prof. (Stephanie) S von Hinke


Stephanie von Hinke is a Professor of Health Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam and a Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol. Her main research interests are in health economics and applied microeconometrics. Stephanie’s research builds on the biomedical as well as social sciences. She investigates the importance of genetics, early life environments, parental investments, and government policy in explaining individuals’ health and well-being over the life course. She currently holds an ERC Starting Grant that aims to incorporate genetic data into social science research and study the importance of the nature-nurture interplay in the developmental origins of health and disease. Stephanie has previously held an MRC Early Career Fellowship in the Economics of Health (2011-2014) at the University of York, and an ESRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Imperial College London (2009-2011). She is a Research Associate at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS; 2013 –), a Research Fellow at Tinbergen Institute, and has held visiting positions at Cornell, [IFS] Institute for Fiscal Studies, and VU University Amsterdam.

Erasmus School of Economics

Visiting fellow | Applied Economics


  • Stephanie Hinke Kessler Scholder (2019) - Journal of Health Economics (Journal)

Master Thesis HEPL

Year Level

  • Eric Slob

    Integrating Genetics into Economics

News regarding prof. (Stephanie) S von Hinke

What is driving educational attainment: nature, nurture, or both?

What matters more for your life outcomes: your genes (‘nature’) or your life experiences and the way you were raised (‘nurture’)?

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