prof.dr. (Han) H Bleichrodt


Han Bleichrodt is a professor of behavioural economics at the Erasmus School of Economics.

Professor Bleichrodt's research activities focus on decisions under uncertainty and over time.

He has a particular interest in those decisions involving health.

Erasmus School of Economics

Visiting professor | Applied Economics


  • Han Bleichrodt (2014) - Management Science (Journal)
  • Han Bleichrodt (2003) - Journal of Health Economics (Journal)
  • Han Bleichrodt (2003) - Theory and Decision (Journal)

Thesis Hub Master Economics & Business

Course Code

Behavioural Economics

Year Level
bachelor 3, bachelor 3, bachelor 3, bachelor 3
Course Code

  • Nuno Almeida Camacho

    Health and Marketing: Essays on Physician and Patient Decision-Making
  • Matthijs van der Loos

    Molecular Genetics and Hormones: New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship Research
  • Zhihua Li

    Irrationality: What, Why and How
  • Ning Liu

    Behavioral biases in interpersonal contexts
  • Diarmaid O'Ceallaigh

    Designing sustainable incentives to encourage prevention and health behavior
  • Ahmet Cem Peker

    Continuous Bayesian markets: Theory and applications
  • Xiao Yu

    Attitudes towards intertemporal correlation
  • Yik Kiu (Plato) Leung

    The Mind with a Touch of Madness? Mental health and well-being of entrepreneurs

News regarding prof.dr. (Han) H Bleichrodt

“The future of health economics at EUR looks bright"

Symposium 'Health Economics: what's next?' is about Eddy Van Doorslaer's legacy and the future of health economics.
Eddy van Doorslaer delivers his Valedictory Lecture

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