People and expertise

  • dr. (Ana) A Scekic

    dr. (Ana) A Scekic
  • dr. (Esad) E Smajlbegovic

    Esad Smajlbegovic is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Erasmus School of Economics and a regular visiting researcher at the Deutsche Bundesbank. His main…
    dr. (Esad) E Smajlbegovic
  • prof.dr. (Han) JTJ Smit

    Han Smit is a corporate professor of Finance at the Department of Business Economics, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). His research in the areas of private…
    prof.dr. (Han) JTJ Smit
  • (Amar) A Soebhag, MSc

    (Amar) A Soebhag, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Onno) OW Steenbeek

    Onno Steenbeek   Prof.dr.Onno Steenbeek holds a Chair in Pension Fund Risk Management at Erasmus University School of Economics in Rotterdam. His main…
    prof.dr. (Onno) OW Steenbeek
  • prof.dr. (Stefan) S Stremersch

    Stefan Stremersch holds the Desiderius Erasmus Distinguished Chair of Economics and the Chair in Marketing at the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE).&nbsp…
    prof.dr. (Stefan) S Stremersch
  • prof.dr. (Jeroen) JPM Suijs

    prof.dr. (Jeroen) JPM Suijs
  • dr. (Laurens) LAP Swinkels

    Research interests include all areas of asset pricing, investment management, and pension funds.
    dr. (Laurens) LAP Swinkels
  • (Fatemeh) F Taghimolla

    (Fatemeh) F Taghimolla
  • (Yuan) Y Tian

    (Yuan) Y Tian

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