People and expertise

  • (Clemens) C Mueller

    (Clemens) C Mueller
  • (Eva) AE Mulder, MSc

    (Eva) AE Mulder, MSc
  • (Frederik) FAJ Muskens, MSc

    (Frederik) FAJ Muskens, MSc
  • dr. (Stefan) S Obernberger

    Stefan Obernberger is a member of the Finance Group at the Erasmus School of Economics. His primary research areas include acquisitions, buyouts, payout policy,…
    dr. (Stefan) S Obernberger
  • dr. (Jochen) J Pierk

    dr. (Jochen) J Pierk
  • prof.dr. (Mary) MA Pieterse - Bloem

    The integration of financial markets and optimal portfolio allocations and diversification strategies remain subjects of intense interest in international…
    prof.dr. (Mary) MA Pieterse - Bloem
  • dr. (Luis Eduardo) LE Pilli

    dr. (Luis Eduardo) LE Pilli
  • prof.dr. (Maarten) M Pronk

    Maarten Pronk is a part-time professor of financial accounting at the Department of Business Economics, the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). He teaches…
    prof.dr. (Maarten) M Pronk
  • (Thomas) RT Rust

    (Thomas) RT Rust
  • (Adam) A Rybko

    (Adam) A Rybko

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