ROOM to grow

Student platform for personal development
Person looking at ROOM to grow app on mobile phone.

University life is much more than just studying for tests. Erasmus University Rotterdam is developing a mobile app that teaches skills and tools that will help students thrive, during and beyond their university journey.

About ROOM

ROOM is an innovative app using science-based tools and techniques to help students thrive academically and personally. ROOM teaches essential stress regulation skills, improves emotional functioning and builds resilience. From encouraging self-awareness to offering tailored content, the app aims to enhance student wellbeing in as little as 5-10 minutes a day.

A science-based approach

In ROOM, only evidence-based psychological techniques that have been proven effective are used. Rigorous user and scientific testing have been carried out to ensure that it meets users' expectations and delivers tangible results.

Download ROOM to grow now

The app is launched in August 2024. From now on the app is free to use for all Erasmus University students on iOS and Android.


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