The Personal Support Hub (PSH) is the central place for wellbeing and personal development for students. Here you can find all relevant information about the EUR support offer, visit a walk-in consultation hour with a professional, follow interesting workshops free of charge and have peer-to-peer contact about personal matters with one of our trained student-hosts.

All students are welcome for free regardless of faculty, including EMC, EUC and ISS. Check out the posters at the Living Room & Personal Support Hub for the events calendar or follow the Living Room & Personal Support Hub and Student Wellbeing on Insta!
The PSH is a separate room) and is accessible every working day from 11:00h to 17:00h. Through the Living Room door, you are always welcome and can walk in freely during these opening hours or during announced walk-ins. The Personal Support Hub is open from Monday to Friday, from 11:00h until 17:00h.
The Personal Support Hub (PSH) is the central place for wellbeing and personal development and is accessible through the Living Room door, in the Langeveld-building.
Workshops and walk-in consultation hours
The PSH regularly organises workshops and events related to personal development or topics related to your mental wellbeing, but also, for example, walk-in consultation hours with several professionals.
For instance, we offer consultation hours with the career coach, spiritual counselor, student psychologists and ombuds officer. And also, among others, for financial consultation; or for students who are caregivers (informal care) next to their studies; or students with ADHD or ADD symptoms; or...