Eurekaweek Management

Joana Pinto

The organisation of the Eurekaweek consists of many smaller and bigger tasks, which are divided among the eight functions. 

  • Candice Molenaar
    Study: BSc Child & Education Studies

    Rotterdam has been my city from a very young age. Rotterdam is lively, diverse, enterprising, and unique, because no city in the Netherlands looks like Rotterdam. Even though I already knew the city, I didn’t hesitate for a second to apply for the Eurekaweek. It seemed like a fun experience and the perfect start to my new chapter at Erasmus University Rotterdam. I started my Pedagogical Sciences studies in 2020 and this made my Eurekaweek take place largely online.

    Feeling that I missed the real Eurekaweek feeling, I signed up as a crew member in 2022. I loved being part of Team Eureka and helping behind the scenes of such a big event. From that point on, my love for Eureka Week started, so in 2023 I decided to sign up as a Management Assistant. Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed the week and being part of Team Eureka. This was therefore a confirmation to take up the challenge and apply for the Eurekaweek Management 2024 myself.

    Now I am proudly fulfilling the role as chairwoman in the Eurekaweek Management 2024. In my role as chairwoman, I’m involved with many different things. Some of my tasks include keeping an overview, leading meetings, looking after the welfare of fellow management members, and representing Eurekaweek to the outside world.

    I am really looking forward to welcoming you to our beautiful city and campus.

    We will do our best to make it a great introductory week. Let’s create core memories together!



    telephone number: +31 10 408 2154 

    Joana Pinto
  • Erwin van der Bij
    Study: MSc Analytics and Operations Research in Logistics

    In 2019, just before I started my double bachelor in econometrics and economics, I experienced Eurekaweek for the first time. Although the events were mind blowing, most important for me were the amazing people I met in my Eurekaweek group. In 2021, I became a Eurekaweek guide. As a guide, I was able to give new students an experience that was similar to mine. In 2023, I was in the Eurekaweek committee of my study association, which once again made me experience the Eurekaweek from a new perspective. Therefore, It is safe to say that I developed a green heart over the years. 

    This year, I decided to take this to the next level and become the treasurer of the 52nd Eurekaweek Management. In this position, I overlook the budget of the Eurekaweek. This allows me to stay involved with my fellow Management members, because everything they do somehow involves acquiring or spending money. Being involved with all aspects of the Eurekaweek makes me love my job even more. All in all, I am working very hard with the rest of the team to create a Eurekaweek that is just as nice, or even better than the one I experiences myself!

    telephone number: +31 10 408 7218 

    Joana Pinto
  • Koen van Breemen
    Commissioner of Acquisitions
    Study: MSc Commercial and Company Law

    In the summer of 2019, I came to Rotterdam to study Law and Business Administration. I participated in the Eurekaweek to get to know the university, the city and most importantly to make new friends. Still, to this day, this week remains to be one of the best weeks of my student time here in Rotterdam. The memories I have and friends I made during this week will stay with me forever!

    Having had such a great experience, I decided I wanted to be a part of the organization of this awesome week. In 2023 I decided to sign up for the guide committee. Together with my fellow committee members, we supported the commissioner of Participants and Guides in the recruitment process of the guides. After this, I became a Management assistant of Acquisition in the Eurekaweek 2023. These experiences convinced me to apply for the Eurekaweek Management of 2024!

    Now, I am fulfilling the role of Commissioner of Acquisition. Together with my partner Bo Labeij, we are responsible for the communication with all profit and non-profit partners of the Eurekaweek. The Eurekaweek is made possible by these partnerships. Doing this helps you to gain experience in a professional environment and develop your communication skills.

    I am really looking forward to welcoming you all to the Eurekaweek 2024!

    telephone number: +31 10 754 7216 

    Joana Pinto
  • Bo Labeij
    Commissioner of Acquisitions
    Study:  MSc Marketing Management

    In the summer of 2019, my student life began in Rotterdam. Although my high school was also in Rotterdam, I got to know the city in a completely new way during the Eurekaweek. I made many new friends, got acquainted with the associations and made my way around campus. It was a great week, the start of a new adventure, and the nicest activities were organized. 

    After this I immediately knew, I want to be more involved in this myself. In 2022 I was a guide to an amazing group of first-year students and gave them the experience I had myself in 2019. Then in 2023 I became a Management Assistant Acquisition. Here I gained experience in the weeks before Eurekaweek and during the week itself I got a lot of insights of the behind the scenes. After these experiences, I knew for sure, I am going to apply for the Eurekaweek Management 2024. Since I completed my master's after a master's exchange in Lisbon, Eurekaweek Management is the perfect bridge between studying and the real business world. 

    Together with Koen, I am responsible for acquisition.This means that we take care of all collaborations with the profit and non-profit organizations.I lear a lot in terms of professional contacts and thinking along how the organizations best fit within the Eurekaweek. I can't wait to see the end result and reach our target. I look forward to giving everyone a warm welcome here in Rotterdam and creating core memories! 

    telephone number: +31 10 754 6768 

    Joana Pinto
  • Donna Zegwaart
    Commissioner of Internal Affairs 
    Study: MSc Analytics and Operations Research in Logistics

    I started studying in Rotterdam in 2019 by participating in the Eurekaweek. I already knew the city Rotterdam a bit, but after the Eurekaweek, the city felt immediately more like home. I got to know my fellow students, and all the associations Erasmus University has to offer. The Eurekaweek was a bright start to my student life in Rotterdam. 

    Therefore, I decided that I wanted to take part in organizing this event myself. In previous years, I have been part of two Eurekaweek committees at different associations. That’s why, this year I decided to apply for the Eurekaweek Management. 

    This year, I will be the commissioner of Internal Affairs. In this position I will be in charge of the contact with all the associations of the university. Every association  must have the possibility to represent themselves during the Eurekaweek, so that every student can make the best decision on how they will arrange their own student life!

    I am excited for this year and hope to see you all in August!

    telephone number: +31 10 408 9066 

    Joana Pinto
  • Tessa Koops
    Commissioner of Participants & Guides
    Study: MSc Medicine

    When I decided to study Medicine in Rotterdam I immediately knew I wanted to participate in Eurekaweek. A week full of events that would introduce me to my new city, study and classmates sounded like the perfect way to start student life. I couldn’t wait! Sadly, due to the corona pandemic, my introduction to student life was far from what I had always expected. I didn’t have the traditional Eurekaweek experience and started my studies online, from my room in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The feeling that I had missed out on an essential student experience never left me, so as the pandemic died down, I decided to participate in Eurekaweek. This time not as a participant who was about to start her first year, but as a crew member who had just finished her bachelor. Looking back, I am so glad I signed up! I enjoyed helping the Eurekaweek Management behind the scenes with all the events and in turn ensuring that every new student got a warm welcome to Rotterdam. I loved it so much that I decided to apply for the Eurekaweek management. An opportunity that fitted perfectly with my wish of taking a gap year to further develop myself. 

    Now, as the commissioner of Participants & Guides I am on one hand responsible for the ticket sale and contact with the participants of Eurekaweek and on the other hand for the recruitment, training and communication to our 600+ guides. Luckily, I am not alone in this, my Guide Committee is there to assist me in this challenging but rewarding task. These past few months we have been working hard to create an amazing Eurekaweek 2024 for you and I can’t wait to see it all become reality! 

    See you this summer! 

    telephone number: +31 10 754 6756 

    Joana Pinto
  • Jasmijn de Leeuw
    Commissioner of Marketing
    Study: MSc Global Business & Sustainability

    When I started studying Business Administration in 2020, I couldn’t wait for my Eurekaweek. The perfect way to kick-start my student life! Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the majority of the week was online. Though I had an amazing week, I had always wanted to experience Eurekaweek in its full glory. 

    For that reason, I became Management Assistant of Marketing in 2020. After the Opening Ceremony on Monday, I already knew it: I would apply for the Management of 2024. This would be the perfect way to spend my gap year. When I heard that I had been selected to be a part of the Management, I couldn’t have been happier!

    As Commissioner of Marketing, I am responsible for all online and offline promotion and communication of the Eurekaweek. Furthermore, I lead a great Media Committee that consists out of 15 students who will be creating content such as a podcast series and a magazine. 

    I look forward to organizing the Eurekaweek and can’t wait to see you in Rotterdam this summer!

    telephone number: +31 10 754 6765 

    Joana Pinto
  • Teun Mulder
    Commissioner of Events & Logistics
    Study: BSc Business Administration

    In 2020 I landed in the most beautiful Rotstad and it continues to amaze me again and again. Although the city, having arrived in times of Corona, did not show me its full glory, I knew I was in the right place. The stripped-down version of the Eurekaweek was a warm bath and offered me something to hold on to (student) life in Rotterdam. A year later, the Eureka Week was almost restored to its full glory, so I started guiding with a buddy. The best way to experience the entire week and let new Rotterdammers fly out. A week full of escapades, for which I am more than grateful. 

    It is already 2024 and I can call myself Commissioner of Events & Logistics. A wonderful position that I carry out with great joy. We are all involved in the events, but as Commissioner E&L you are the center of the organization. Without a fence, Dixi or electricity there is no event and the work of the others is free. Without a map, no permit and no (legal) event. In short, a great responsibility.

    Together we are preparing a wonderful, inviting & above all enjoyable week for you. We'll see you in Rotterdam this August!

    telephone number: +31 10 754 7214 

    Joana Pinto
  • Leo Möller
    Commissioner of Events & Crew
    Study: BA International Bachelor Arts & Culture Studies

    With moving to the Netherlands to begin my studies in a completely unknown environment, country, and culture, the Eurekaweek was the best start to my student life that I could have hoped for. It was quite exciting to get such a warm welcome to the amazing city that is Rotterdam and to meet so many new people, some of whom became my best friends. In 2022 I decided to become a guide, so that I can give a group of new students the same warm welcome I received here. I loved showing them all the wonder and charm that Rotterdam has to offer. Together with my ambitions to later work in the Live Entertainment side of the Music Industry and organize large scale music festivals and concerts, all these unforgettable experiences strongly motivated me to apply for the Eurekaweek Management and organize Eurekaweek 2024! 

    Together with the 8 other Management members, I am taking up the challenge to organize another great Eurekaweek this year. Within the Management I am responsible for the Events and the Crew. This means that I have an overview of the most major events, such as the Opening Ceremony, the Opening Party, the Cantus, the Festival, and the Night of the Songs. My tasks include arranging the venues, as well as booking and handling the artists who will perform at the events throughout the week. This also means creating and planning the creative concepts of the events. Moreover, I recruit and lead a team of about 80 volunteer crew members, who are all students themselves. Together, we will work behind the scenes during all events to create the most extraordinary Eurekaweek possible. I am really looking forward to experiencing another unforgettable Eurekaweek this year and I hope that Eurekaweek will help you create core memories that you will hold dear for the rest of your life! 

    telephone number: +49 176 7288 0471 

    Joana Pinto

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