Study Programmes

  • Nanobiology

    Bachelor in Nanobiology: Nanobiology is a new field of research that borders on physics and biology: Read more.
  • Neuroscience

    Research Master in Neuroscience: Synaptic transmission, neuronal firing: neuroscience is growing: Do basic or clinical research. Learn more.
  • Onderwijswetenschappen

    Would you like to contribute to innovations in education, then this is the right (Dutch) master for you.
  • Opvoedvraagstukken in een diverse samenleving

    This Dutch master focuses on current issues of child and adolescent development in a diverse society.
  • Orthopedagogiek

    In this Dutch master's specialisation, you study problems of behavior, development and education in children and adolescents.
  • Pedagogische Wetenschappen

    Pre-master in Pedagogische Wetenschappen: Verdiep je in vraagstukken op het gebied van opvoeding en onderwijs: Bekijk de opleiding.
  • Pedagogische Wetenschappen

    Bachelor in Pedagogische Wetenschappen: Heb jij interesse in de opvoeding en ontwikkeling van kinderen en jongeren tot 25 jaar? Lees snel verder.
  • People, Organisations & Change

    Master in People, Organisations & Change: Understand the interactions of people for more effective, creative and community-oriented employees: Read more.
  • Philosophy

    Master in Philosophy: Where cutting-edge philosophical research meets the classroom, enabling our students to engage in contemporary philosophical debates.
  • Philosophy (part-time)

    The MA Philosophy Now is the place where cutting edge philosophical research meets the classroom.

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