More information about graduation for ESE Master programs
After you have completed all your credits and defended your thesis, you can apply for graduation through Osiris.
Master Graduation Day
You can celebrate your graduation during the master's graduation event (Master Graduation Day). We want to encourage you to join us for this event to end your study time in celebration with your professors, fellow students, family and friends. The event will take place the second week of December in the evening. The exact date and time will be announced.
Students who wish to participate in Master Graduation Day in December must have applied for their degree and defended their thesis by Nov. 1. This is a hard deadline, and later applications will not be considered.
We assume that you will receive your diploma during the Master Graduation Day. In case you do not want to be at the Master Graduation Day, you can pick up your diploma at the Erasmus Student Service Centre (ESSC) after making an appointment through the online appointment system.
Alternatively, we can use a secure international courier to send your diploma to your home address (abroad). Because we are not allowed to issue a diploma more than once (WHW), if your diploma is lost in transit - even if the University is aware of the loss - we cannot issue a new copy. Therefore, we recommend that you use this service only as a last resort, and you should understand and accept the risk of this happening.
Termination enrolment
Your enrollment is not automatically terminated after you graduate. You must request this yourself. For more information and the disenrollment procedure. Click here.
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