Erasmus Goes Green

Discover sustainable travel options
Train tickets

Whether you're going abroad for an exchange programme, internship opportunity or a summer school, it is important to explore more sustainable means of transport to go and return from your destination. 

On this page you will find more information so that when the time comes to actually plan your journey, you know exactly what to do and where to research.

Erasmus+ is the European programme for education, training, youth and sports. This programme gives students the opportunity to go abroad for study exchange or an internship. If you use an environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transport for your journey to and from your host country, you may be entitled to a 'Green travel' top-up payment. Sustainable means for transport are train, bus.

Indicate in your application that you are planning to travel green. After your exchange you can be asked to provide proof of your travels, such as showing a train ticket.

Read more about the Erasmus+ Grant

Eurail and ESN have launched an Interrail Global Pass for Erasmus+ participants. These passes can be used to travel to and from the host destination and can be used over a period of 6 months. They are only available for students with an Erasmus+ grant and costs either 212 euro (4 days travel) or 301 euro (6 days travel). The Erasmus+ grant contains a travel allowance which could cover (part of) this price. Depending on the distance travelled students can get 285, 417 or 535 euro as Erasmus+ green travel compensation.

Even if you are already planning to use more sustainable means of transport in your journey to your mobility destination, their carbon footprint is different and should be taken into consideration. Make sure to check the CO2 calculator to compare the CO2 footprint of the different means of transport to make a conscious choice.

Now jumping into the actual planning of your journey and the different options and connections available: there are several websites that can help you plan the best trip possible according to your requirements.

  • The man in seat 61: one of the go-to places to plan your rail joruney. This website is started by Mark Smith, a former rail industry worker. He decided to share his knowledge on the best routes, fares and times for rail journeys within Europe and sometimes even beyond. The website has a handmade feel - Mark created it as an autodidact - but the info is high level: you will not only see the different connections you can choose from but also check the practicalities of travel and what you might expect on the journey.
  • Omio: this search engine allows you to check the options available by plane, train and bus and shows you the price of each option.
  • Trainline: another search engine that focuses on railways and buses.
  • Flixbus: a search engine only focusing on buses.
  • Deutche Bahn: a clear mobility portal for travelling by rail, not only for Germany, but whole Europe!

Extra tip: some of these search engines allow you to book your trip. However, we recommend you to compare the prices with the ones in the actual railway/bus company's website, to ensure you get the best possible deal. 

Another option that might help you make the most of the journey would be a road trip. You can reach out to other students that are going to the same destination, organise a joint journey there and visit some cities on the way, or you can use a carpooling service like Blablacar, which allows you to connect with others that are planning the same route. You can use the opportunity to get to know a different city on the way. This is one of the great advantages of travelling sustainably: usually the train or bus stations are located in the city centre, which allows you to have quick and easy access to different cities across Europe, and travelling by car gives you the freedom to reach any place you want.

Do you want to choose accommodation options that have sustainability in mind?

  • Book Different!: an affiliate of that allows you to see the CO2 footprint of your stay and also see of the accommodation has any green label.
  • Hostelling International: a network of hostels that advocate for sustainability. 


This document will guide you through the process of planning a more sustainable trip, showcasing why sustainable travel is an enriching experience worth sharing. Within the document, you can also explore experiences from students who opted for sustainable travel options.

Choosing sustainability: Zoe's train travel from Rotterdam to Budapest

EUR student Zoe: "I chose to travel by train to my exchange destination Budapest, even if this meant a solid 10-hour journey each way. But you know what? Considering the price and the sustainability aspect, this is totally worth it! I paid 80 euros for a round trip and took a bunch of stuff to read/study on the train. Even when I didn't study, I enjoyed the views over the mountains, listened to music or just relaxed. I find traveling by train very grounding, and the hours go by much faster than you would expect. I recommend it, just remember to bring enough water and snacks. Another pro-tip: if you are travelling during peak times like on the weekend, reserve a seat. You will be grateful to have spent those couple of euros extra."

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