The starting point for the confidential advisors on undesirable behavior is that they are close to the employees and easily approachable. Some faculties or services have a confidential counsellor who works at that specific faculty or service. However, you are not bound to the advisor of your faculty. You can approach any confidential advisor, even if your faculty does not have its own advisor.
Through this page, you can find the network of confidential advisors and their contact details.
Confidential counsellors for students
- Marielle van Leeuwen | | Coördinator Network Confidential Counsellors | ESHCC, ESHPM
Confidential counsellor
The confidential counsellor can be reached from Monday to Friday.
Email addressRoomVan der Goot Building | Room 6.16 - By appointment via email - Roos Erkel | ESL
Confidential counsellor for students
Email addressRoomSanders Building - Jeanine Westercappel | ESL
Confidential counsellor
Email addressRoomSanders Building - Deborah Noorlander | ESE
Confidential counsellor
Availability: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9.00 - 17.00 hrs.
Email addressRoomE-Building - Tamara Harte | ISS
Confidential counsellor for PhD candidates ISS
Availability: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, from 10:00-16:00 hrs.
Email addressRoomISS - 2.29 - Kim Harte | RSM
Confidential counsellor for PhD candidates
The confidential counsellor is available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Email addressTelephone - Eva Smeding | RSM
Confidential counsellor for students
The confidential counsellor is available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Email address - Frank van der Horst | ESSB
Confidential counsellor for students and employees
The confidential counsellor is currently absent.
Email address - Ruth Van der Hallen | ESSB
Confidential counsellor for students and employees
The confidential counsellor is available from Monday to Friday.
Email addressTelephoneBuilding - Nina Holvast | ESL
Confidential counsellor for PhD candidates
The confidential counsellor is available from Monday to Friday.
Email addressBuilding
Confidential counsellors for employees
- Dick van Dijk | ESE
Confidential counsellor
Email addressTelephoneRoomE-Building - Marlies Vreeswijk | RSM
Confidential counsellor
- Sunita Kalicharan | UB
Confidential counsellor
Email addressRoomUniversity Library - Dr. Bernadette Kester | ESHCC and ESL
Confidential counsellor
Email addressRoomVan der Goot Building - Marianne Oostdijk | Professional Services
Confidential counsellor
- Meghan MacKinnon – Kraaijeveld
Confidential counsellor RSM - Staff
Availability: Tuesday - Thursday
- Richard Brunnquell de Stachelski
Confidential counsellor RSM - Staff
Availability: Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday
Email addressRoomBayle Building, J2-05 - Jolette Wiersema | RSM
Confidential counsellor for staff
Availability: Mon – Tues - Wednes.
Email addressBuilding - Annemieke van Dongen - Leunis | ESHPM
Confidential counsellor for employees
The confidential counsellor is available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
- Frank van der Horst | ESSB
Confidential counsellor for students and employees
The confidential counsellor is available on Monday and Friday.
Email address - Ruth Van der Hallen | ESSB
Confidential counsellor for students and employees
The confidential counsellor is available from Monday to Friday
Email addressTelephoneBuilding - Leona Hakkaart-van Roijen | ESHPM
Confidential counsellor
Email address
Confidential counsellors EUR Holding
- Mariëlle van Leeuwen
Confidential counsellor EUR Holding
Email addressRoomVan der Goot Building | Room 6.16 - By appointment via email