Spanish Speaking Skills

Registration is closed
Spanish 2024

What’s will you learn in the course Spanish Speaking Skills?

The Spanish Conversation Course is designed for participants who want to further develop their listening and speaking skills in a dynamic class environment. In this course, we will practice both listening and speaking skills using topics that align with the participants' interests. The aim is to increase fluency and accuracy in speaking.

Current topics suggested by the instructor will be covered, and in the final session, participants will present a topic of their own. This course consists of eight weekly sessions, each lasting 2 hours.

Start dates

Mondays3 February - 24 March17:30-19:30Campus Woudestein

Please note: no exam

Course information

Registration deadlineclosed
Duration8 weeks
Support languageThe support language of this course is English. However, Spanish is spoken as much as possible in the lessons.
Course fee

Rate 1: Students & employees: € 199,-

Rate 2: Others: € 299,-

Which rate is applicable to you? Read on

My employer paysIf the course will be paid for by your employer and the payment needs be done via invoice, we ask you to contact us upfront via email to make the necessary arrangements. Explanation about the payment procedure for EUR staff can be found here.
Admission Requirements

To be admitted to this course, your current level of Spanish needs to be at least B1.1.

You do not need an intake.

Course materialThere is no course material that you need to purchase. All material used in the course will be provided by LTC.
GroupsOur groups are small: the minimum number of participants is 10, the maximum is 16. Please note that the LTC reserves the right to cancel this course if the required minimum number of participants is not reached. Whenever a course is canceled due to few registrations, you will be informed and your fee will be refunded.
Good to know
  • This course is available for participants with an academic background (hbo/university).
  • The course can be fully booked before the deadline.
  • Attendance is not compulsory, but advisable. 
  • You will receive proof of participation.
Terms & conditionsBy registering for this course you agree to our requirements and general terms and conditions. For questions, check out our FAQ pagina
Email address
010 4081997

Whatsapp: +31 (0) 610604467

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