About us

Language & Training Centre - Cover Photo (2017)

The Language & Training Centre (LTC) is the centre of expertise and partner for language testing, language training and (oral and written) communication skills training The LTC is part of Education & Student Affairs of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Our team currently consists of four dedicated permanent employees, supported by a group of some 50 excellent and highly-experienced freelance teachers and trainers.

The LTC offers language tests, language courses and communication skills courses for:

  1. students
  2. employees
  3. others with an academic background (HBO/WO)
  4. businesses

We are specialised in working with and for the highly-educated, with an academic background.
This means that a large part of our complete offer is also open to students from other Dutch universities and HBO institutes, EUR alumni and others with an academic background (HBO/WO).
In addition to our regular courses, we also offer:

  • tailor-made programmes in cooperation with faculties;
  • courses for groups of employees;
  • courses for groups of students;
  • and for businesses.

Individual students and employees are also welcome to contact us.    


The Language & Training Centre (LTC) is the expertise centre and partner for language testing, language training and communication skills training courses within Erasmus University Rotterdam and externally. Our aim is to offer a wide range of competitively priced, high-quality courses for students, employees, alumni and all others with an academic background. Customer focus, excellent service and good quality are our characteristics.


To be able to perform well within an international working environment, it is necessary to have excellent communication skills in several languages and thus be multilingual. This applies to both business and academics. We want to offer the highly-educated the opportunity to rapidly acquire a second or third foreign language. This should also be tailored to their own needs. An excellent command of at least the English and Dutch language is important in order to optimally function as an academic community.

Pedagogical framework

In accordance with our vision, our language and communication skills courses are based on the following criteria:

  • Communication skills are key (grammar and vocabulary are never a goal in themselves);
  • The classes are taught in the target language whenever possible;
  • When learning a language, acquiring cultural knowledge is also part of the package;
  • The skills that are taught have practical applications in daily life (when studying, working or socialising);
  • The course participant’s effort and motivation are crucial for their learning process.

Our quality assurance system consists of a systematic evaluation procedure, a constant focus on further improving our organisation and increasing the quality of our training programmes.

The aim of the Language & Training Centre (LTC) is that every student, employee or outsider be acquainted with the LTC because of its excellent reputation in providing good quality language and communication skills courses. We monitor our scores constantly and score at least 4 (on a scale of five) for its activities. Our evaluation procedure consists of:

Satisfaction of our customers

  • Evaluating standard training courses
  • Evaluating tailor-made training courses (both individual and group courses)
  • Client satisfaction questionnaire

Quality of our courses

  • Course evaluations completed by teachers

Quality of our teachers and trainers

  • A list of competencies for trainers and teachers (recruitment)
  • Having annual meetings with each teacher individually
  • Dedicated language teams
  • Giving feedback to colleagues
  • Innovation and development (training programmes; teaching methods; ICT)

The Language & Training Centre (LTC) aims for optimal service provision. If you are nevertheless dissatisfied with one of the services of the Language & Training Centre, we would highly appreciate to be informed. Please take into account that we should be notified of any complaints regarding goods and/or services supplied to you in writing within 14 days of delivery,* stating the reasons, in the absence of which you will be deemed to have accepted the delivery and to have waived all contractual and/or statutory rights and authorisations available to you in that regard. The submission of a complaint does not prejudice the requirement to meet any payment obligations.

A complaint is deemed to be a written expression of dissatisfaction with a service or member of staff of the LTC.

Discussing problems
Before you make use of the complaints procedure, you are advised to discuss the problem with those concerned. For example, if you have a complaint about the content of your course, first discuss this with your lecturer. Your feedback enables the lecturer to take your complaint into account. If you wish to change groups, discuss this with your lecturer and the Secretariat of the LTC. In many cases, a solution can be found right away.

If you have a complaint, you can notify this by sending a letter or an e-mail, citing ‘Complaint’.
You can send your complaint to:

S. Limburg
Language & Training Centre EUR
Sanders Building L2-017
PO Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
  • You will receive confirmation of receipt of your complaint within 1 week of its receipt.
  • After its receipt, your complaint will be discussed by the Complaints Committee, which consists of the senior coordinator of the LTC and the coordinator of the language section to which your complaint relates.
  • If you have a complaint regarding the section coordinator, the Complaints Committee will consist of the senior coordinator and the coordinator of another section. If you have a complaint about the senior coordinator, the Complaints Committee will consist of the Director Education & Student Affairs (PRO E&S)(Ms. L.I.M. Jillissen) and the head of Student Facilities (Mr. J.A.M. Matthijsse). You can send these complaints to: office.es@eur.nl 
  • You may be invited to explain your complaint and to discuss a potential solution. If you follow the above procedure in submitting your complaint, your complaint will always be processed. You will receive a response within 20 days of the receipt of your complaint.
  • If the processing of a complaint requires more time than the fixed term, the complainant will be notified in writing within the fixed term of the reason for and potential duration of the postponement.
  • Complaints are handled in confidence.
  • Complaint files are kept for 12 months.

In order to obtain a clear picture of your complaint, you are requested to include the following points in your letter or e-mail:

  1. Your personal details: name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
  2. The service concerning which you have a complaint, in as much detail as possible (e.g. language course + level, name of lecturer, period of the course, etc.).
  3. The nature of the complaint (what you expected and which expectations have not been met).
  4. What you yourself have done to solve the problem and how this was followed up (e.g. talks with the lecturer or the Secretariat).
  5. Date
  6. Signature

If, after your complaint has been handled by the Complaints Committee, you are not satisfied with the settlement of your complaint, you can submit an appeal to the Appeals Committee. Attach your complaint and the responses you received as an attachment and clearly describe the reasons why you are (still) dissatisfied. However, we hope that we can realise a solution with you at an earlier stage.

If you do not agree with the handling of your complaint, you can contact the Appeals Committee. An appeal against the handling of your complaint must be submitted to the Appeals Committee in writing within 14 days of the date of the reply of the LTC, stating the reasons, in the absence of which you will be deemed to have accepted the handling of the complaint and to have waived all contractual and/or statutory rights and authorisations available to you in that regard.

The Appeals Committee consists of:

  • Ms. L.I.M. Jillissen,
  • Mr. J.A.M. Matthijsse.

The Appeals Committee will process the complaint and issue a decision within four weeks of the date of the receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Appeals Committee is binding on all parties. If the processing of a complaint requires more time than the fixed term, the complainant will be notified in writing within the fixed term of the reason for and potential duration of the postponement. You can send your appeal to:

per letterby email
Appeals Committee, LTC/E&S complaints
E&S Secretariat
PO Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam


If you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint by the LTC, the Complaints Committee and the Appeals Committee of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, you can submit your complaint and its handling to the Blik Op Werk (BOW) Arbitration Board.

Contact BOW for this, viaBOW Arbitration Board
PO Box 2708
3500 GS Utrecht.
Via telephone030-3030645
Via emailklachten@zoekinburgerschool.nl
Visiting address:Churchilllaan 11, 3527 GV Utrecht

Please find our privacy regulations below.

Article 1: Definitions
In accordance with and in addition to the Personal Data Protection Act (Bulletin of Acts and Decrees 2000, 302),the following definitions apply for the purposes of these Regulations:

the Act: the Personal Data Protection Act;

the Regulations: these Regulations, including the Appendices;

personal details: all details concerning an identified natural person or natural person to be identified;

processing of personal details: every action or every group of actions pertaining to personal information, at least including collecting, recording, classifying, storing, updating, altering, retrieving, consulting, using, providing through sending, circulation or any other form of provision, assembling, relating and protecting, deleting or destroying data;

file: every structured set of personal details, regardless of whether that set of data is centralised or circulated in a manner determined functionally or geographically, which can be accessed according to certain criteria and relates to different persons;

party responsible: Language & Training Centre Erasmus University Rotterdam;

processor: the party that processes the personal details for the party responsible, without being subject
to that party’s direct authority;

staff: persons in the employ of or working for the party responsible;

person concerned: the person to whom personal details relate;

manager: the person who is charged, under the responsibility of the party responsible, with the day-to-day provision for the processing of personal details, the accuracy of the data entered and for the storage, deletion and provision of details;

– user: the person who, under the responsibility of the manager, is authorised to enter, alter and/or delete personal details, or to view any performance of the processing;

Article 2: Scope
These Regulations apply to all partially or fully automated processing of personal details of persons in the employ of or working for the Language & Training Centre of Erasmus University Rotterdam, and to the underlying documents entered in a file. These regulations also apply to non-automated processing of personal details included in a file or intended for inclusion there.

Article 3: Management of the personal details
The parties responsible, the managers and, if applicable, the processors for each individual form of processing or related forms of processing are listed in the Appendices.

Article 4: Objectives of processing
The objectives or related objectives of processing are listed in the Appendices for each individual processing action or set of related processing actions.

Article 5: Legal grounds for processing
The legal grounds for processing lie in a) the execution of the employment contract to which the person concerned is party, b) the justified interest of the party responsible, c) a statutory obligation of the party responsible, d) a vital interest of the person concerned, or – only if a), b), c) or d) do not apply – e) the explicit consent that was granted by the person concerned.

Article 6: Types of personal details entered and the manner of acquisition
a. The Appendices state the types of personal details that are processed, at most, and how these details are obtained, for each individual processing action or set of related processing actions.
b. As far as possible, personal details are obtained from the person concerned.
c. Personal details are not obtained from third parties without the explicit consent of the person concerned.
d. Personal details are processed correctly and with care, in compliance with the law.
e. Personal details are processed only in as far as they are adequate, in view of the objectives listed in the Appendices, serve those purposes and are not excessive.
f. Special personal details are processed in observance of the provisions of Articles 16 to 23 of the Act.
g. The manager makes the necessary provisions to promote the accuracy and completeness of the personal details.
Article 7: Deletion of entered personal details
a. Personal details that are no longer necessary for the objective are deleted as soon as possible.
b. After termination of the employment contract or the performance work for the party responsible, the data are kept for a further two years unless they must be kept for longer in connection with statutory obligations.
c. Deletion implies destruction or a process that ensures that it is no longer possible to identify the person.

Article 8: Direct access to personal details
a. In the interests of the day-to-day provisions for smooth processing operations, only the manager and the users designated by the manager have direct access to personal details.
b. The persons referred to in sub-paragraph 1 who are not already subject to confidentiality obligations on the grounds of their office, occupation or statutory provisions are required to protect the confidentiality of personal details of which they become aware, unless and in as far as they are required to disclose these pursuant to any statutory provision or the necessity for disclosure arises from their duties.

Article 9: Technical work
Persons responsible for the performance of technical work are required to protect the confidentiality of all personal details of which they could have become aware.

Article 10: Provision of personal details
a. The persons in and outside the organisation to whom personal details can be provided in view of the objective and grounds for the processing are shown in the Annexes for each individual processing action or set of related processing actions.
b. The party responsible informs third parties that process personal details in a set manner of the conditions and limitations imposed for this. The party responsible is liable for damage suffered by the person concerned as a result of unlawful use of their personal details by third parties to which the party responsible provided those personal details, unless the damage cannot be attributed to the responsible party.

Article 11: Transfer of personal details to countries outside the European Union
The party responsible does not pass on any personal details to companies or branches in
countries outside the European Union that do not have an appropriate level of protection, unless at least one of the following conditions is met:
a. a contract is concluded with the company or branch in compliance with the model contract provisions laid down by the European Commission, which contract has the approval of the data protection official in respect of the processing of personal details;
b. it is necessary to pass on the details in relation to the employment contract between the party responsible and the person concerned;
c. the person concerned has signed a declaration granting the party responsible permission to pass on the personal details. That declaration must be composed in simple, understandable language with specific information on the company concerned or the branch in question, the personal details to be passed on, the purpose of passing on the details and the duration of the period for which that declaration will be used.

Article 12: Further processing of personal details
a. The personal details to be processed undergo further processing only in a manner that is not inconsistent with the purpose for which they were obtained. At least the relationship with the objectives, the nature of the details, the consequences of further processing for the person concerned, the way in which the details are obtained and the assurances for the protection of personal privacy will be taken into account here.
b. Personal details may be processed further when this is necessary in order to comply with a statutory obligation to which the party responsible is subject, with the explicit consent of the person concerned.

Article 13: Security
a. The party responsible draws up guidelines in a security plan for the technical and organisational security for the processing of personal details and submits this plan to the data protection officer for approval.
b. The party responsible sends the adopted security plan to the manager. The manager processes this plan in accordance with the guidelines.
c. If the services of a processor are used, the party responsible records the mutual obligations concerning the handling of personal details in writing in a contract with the processor. The processor processes the details in accordance with its agreed obligations.

Article 14: Duty of disclosure
a. If the party responsible acquires personal details from the person concerned, the party responsible shall notify the person concerned of its identity before the moment of acquisition, as well as the purpose of the processing for which the details are intended, unless the person concerned is already aware of this.
b. If the party responsible acquires personal details from a third party or through observation of the person concerned, the party responsible shall notify the person concerned of its identity at the time of recording, as well as the purpose of the processing for which the details are intended.
c. The party responsible provides the information referred to in sub-paragraphs 1 and 2 in a manner that ensures that the person concerned actually gains access to it.

Article 15: General
a. Every person concerned has a right to information, to access and to correct personal details (improvement, supplementation, deletion and/or blocking) as well as a right of refusal, as formulated in the following Articles of this Paragraph.
b. The exercise of those rights may take place in working hours.
c. The exercise of those rights involves no costs for the person concerned.
d. Persons concerned may provide for support in the exercise of those rights.
e. The manager notifies the persons concerned of the possibilities for legal protection and supervision and the role of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) in this.

Article 16: Right to information
The party responsible informs the person concerned on request, in a timely manner and in full of the purposes of and the way in which their personal details will be processed, of the rules applying for this, the rights of the person concerned in that regard and how those rights can be exercised. The person concerned is also informed of the location at which the documents containing the said rules can be viewed or requested.

Article 17: Right of access
a. The manager shall notify all persons in writing on request, at the earliest opportunity and within four weeks of the receipt of the request, whether personal details concerning them will be processed.
b. If this is the case, the manager will provide the applicant, if required, with a full written review of this, with information on the objective or objectives of the data processing, the data or categories of data to which the processing relates,
the recipients or categories of recipients of the data and the origin of the data at the earliest opportunity, and within four weeks of the receipt of the request.
c. The applicant has a right to a copy of the recorded data that concern him or her. He or she is not required to pay for this.
d. If a serious interest of the applicant requires this, the manager will meet the request in a form other than in writing, which is appropriate to that interest.
e. The manager shall provide for proper verification of the identity of the applicant.
f. The manager may refuse to meet a request if and in as far as this is necessary in connection with:
1. the detection and prosecution of criminal offences;
2. serious interests of parties other than the applicant, including the party responsible.

Article 18: Right to correction: improvement, supplementation, deletion and/or blocking
a. In response to a written application from the person concerned, the manager will improve, supplement, delete and/or block processed personal details relating to the applicant, if and in as far as those details are factually incorrect, insufficient for the purpose of the processing, do not serve the purpose or are excessive, or are processed in contravention of a statutory provision in another way. The application contains the changes to be made.
b. The manager notifies the applicant in writing as soon as possible, and within four weeks of receipt of the application, whether he will meet the request. If he is unwilling to do so, or to do so in full, he will state the reasons for this.
c. The manager ensures that a decision to improve, supplement, delete and/or block data is implemented as soon as possible.
d. In the event of improvement, supplementation, deletion and/or blocking, the manager informs third parties of this and ensures that those third parties adjust their files accordingly. The manager shall inform the applicant of the third parties to which he provided that information.

Article 19: Right of rejection
a. If the lawful grounds for a particular processing action lies in the justified interest of the responsible party, the person concerned may lodge an objection with the manager at any time against such processing in connection with his or her special personal circumstances.
b. The party responsible will assess whether this objection is justified within four weeks of its receipt.
c. The manager shall discontinue the processing immediately if the party responsible regards the objection as justified. Objections to processing for commercial or charitable purposes are always justified.

Article 22: Training
The party responsible shall provide for regular training of the managers and users to ensure that they understand the processes for processing of personal details, the rules applying to this and their own role in this.

Article 23: Unforeseen
In cases for which the Regulations do not provide, the party responsible shall decide, if possible after consultation and with the consent of the data protection officer. In urgent cases, the party responsible will notify the data protection officer after the event.

Article 24: Publication
These Regulations shall be made available for public inspection at the department that manages the processing.

Article 25: Changes and additions
1. Changes and additions to the Regulations require the consent of the data protection officer.

Article 26: Entry into force and short title
1. These Regulations come into effect on 1 July 2016.
2. These regulations may be cited as the Privacy Regulations, Language & Training Centre, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

We prefer to work with freelancers who are registered at the CRKBO and who meet the following requirements:

  • Native speaker in the target language.
  • A degree in a subject relevant for the position, including a teaching qualification.
  • Experience in teaching the highly-educated.
  • Excellent digital and communication skills.
  • English B1 level or higher

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