Diploma overview 2025

General Admission Requirements Erasmus University Rotterdam 2025/2026

The Central Admissions Office has created a list of the most common international diplomas that meet the minimum admission requirements. Where relevant, minimum grades and language test exemption criteria are included.

Please note:

  • Your diploma being on the list does not guarantee admission to our Bachelor’s degree programmes.
  • Generally, we require final exams in general education subjects; applied/vocational subjects are not accepted.
  • Some diplomas include a list of accepted subjects.
  • Homologation of foreign diplomas is not valid for admission; students are assessed based on the diploma they obtained, not its equivalent.
  • If you do not meet our grade requirements by August 31st and still need to obtain your diploma, you cannot enrol for the academic year starting September 2025.
  • If your diploma is not listed and you are interested in studying at Erasmus University Rotterdam, please contact the  Central Admissions Office.

English exemption is only possible if:

  • You obtain a European Baccalaureate with English as a first or second language.
  • You obtain an International Baccalaureate with English A at Higher or Standard Level, or English B at Higher Level.
  • You have obtained your diploma(s) and/or attended secondary school for at least two and a half years in Australia, Canada (except Quebec), Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, or the United States.

International diplomas that meet the minimum admission requirements

American High School Diploma (outside USA)

From an accredited High School; a minimum GPA of 3.00 plus 4 independent AP courses in general academic subjects* (with grade 3 or higher). AP exams are required to be taken externally with College Board. 

*Accepted subjects: Art History, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Comparative Government and Politics, European History, Human Geography, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Psychology, United States Government and Politics, United States History, World History: Modern, Calculus AB or BC, Computer Science Principles, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, World Languages and Cultures.

** Language APs (other than English) are generally accepted, except when the subject language is your native language. A Language AP in your first/native language will only be accepted as a 5th AP

Overlapping subjects are counted as 1 AP exam. For example, AP US History, AP European History and AP World History are not counted as 3 individual APs but as one. The same applies to AP Macro-Economics and AP Micro-Economics. In addition, only one of your AP exams may be a language.

British (International) GCE A-levels

Six different subjects with a minimum of 3 approved (international) A-levels in general academic subjects* with final grades between A*- C plus 3 (I)GCSEs. 

*Generally accepted subjects: All languages**, Ancient History, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, Computer Science, Economics, Environmental Science / Technology, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government and Politics, History, History of Art, Islamic Studies, Law, Life and Health Sciences, Marine Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Statistics.

** With the exception of ‘Language and Literature’ A-levels, a Language A-level covering your native language will not be accepted as one of the 3 approved A-levels. A Language A-level in your first/native language will only accepted as a 4th A-level. 

NB Only one of your 3 GCE A-Level subjects may be a language.

Certain A-Level subjects with an applied component are only accepted for certain Bachelor degree programmes. For example, Media Studies is only accepted for International Bachelor Communication and Media. Likewise, the A-Level Physical Education is only accepted for International Bachelor in Psychology.

Overlapping subjects: Narrow subject combinations such as Economics, Business and Accounting, or Physical Education, Biology and Psychology, are not preferred.

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) combined with Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

Proof of at least five independent general education subjects* with grades "Grade I" to "Grade III", including English and Mathematics. Among these examination subjects, there must be at least two "Unit 2" subjects.

*Accepted subjects: Applied Mathematics, Biology, Caribbean Studies, Chemistry, Economics, Environmental Science, French, Geography, History, Integrated Mathematics, Literatures in English, Physics, Pure Mathematics, Sociology, Spanish.

European Baccalaureate

The EB diploma is sufficient for general admission.

Language test exemptions:

  • Dutch: Language 1 or 2
  • English: Language 1 or 2

For medicine, all examinations in the natural sciences subjects must be taken as written exams.

International Baccalaureate

The full IB diploma is sufficient for general admission. When applying, ensure that the levels of all subjects, including the language-related ones, are clearly indicated (HL, SL, A or B, etc.). 

Language test exemptions:

  • Dutch: Dutch A or B at Higher Level, Dutch A Standard Level
  • English: English A or B at Higher Level, English A Standard Level

West African Senior Secondary School Certificate

At least 6 general academic subjects with grades of C6 or higher.

Proof of English Language proficiency test (TOEFL, IELTS, CAE/ CPE) is mandatory

Country Specific Diplomas per continent


General Certificate of Education Examination

There must be a total of 6 subjects, 5 of which must be independent of each other. Of the 6 subjects, at least 2 subjects must be taken at the Advanced Level. The Advanced Level subjects must be passed in one examination. English or French must be taken at Ordinary or Advanced Level.


Ethiopian Secondary School Leaving Examination

A minimum of 6 exam subjects with a minimum score of 50 or higher per subject, and a minimum total score of 335


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with at least 6 subjects with grades A, B or C


Attestation du Baccalauréat, Série: 

  • Lettres (Modernes / Originelles) 
  • Sciences (Expérimentales / Mathématique / Originelles) 

with a General Average of at least 14, with scores of 14 for each of the 5 National Examinations 

South Africa

National Senior Certificate with an average overall score of at least 70% and the mention “has met the minimum requirements for admission to bachelor’s degree”. Score required for individual subjects: 55% or higher.

Accepted subjects: Home Language, First Additional Language, Second Official Language, Economics, Geography, History, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Physical Sciences, Religion Studies. 

Language test exemptions:

• Exempted from English proficiency test with English Home Language


12th Grade Graduation Certificate from the general subject cluster. The curriculum consists of general education subjects.


Orta Tahsil Haqqinda Attestat


Senior Middle School diploma plus Gaokao university entrance examination; required score for most provinces 550 out of 750.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education with 6 subjects (Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development, plus a minimum of two approved subjects*) at Level 3, 4 or 5 and 'Attained' in Citizenship and Social Development

*Accepted subjects from Category A (Senior Secondary Subjects): Chinese Literature, Literature in English, Chinese History, Economics, Ethics and Religious Studies, Geography, History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science, Integrated Science, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Health Management and Social Care, Information and Communication Technology, Physical Education.


Standard XII Diploma with at least 5 independent general academic subjects plus Standard X Diploma

  • CBSE: All India Senior School Certificate with a minimum score of 80% for each of the 5 examination subjects
  • CISCE: Indian School Certificate with a minimum score of 80% for each of the 5 examination subjects
  • NIOS: Migration Cum Transfer Certificate obtained at the Senior Secondary School Examination with grades A, B or C for each of the 5 exam subjects.
  • State Boards: Standard XII Certificate with a minimum score of 80% for each of the 5 examination subjects 

Overlapping subjects: Narrow subject combinations such as Business Studies, Economics, Accountancy and Marketing are not accepted.


Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). 


High School Certificate of Education


  • Жалпы Oрта білім туралы аттестат/Аттестат об общем среднем образовании/ Certificate of completed general secondary education.

Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) Grade 12 certificate with grades A-C for the GCE A-level exams


Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia plus Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia


Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A Level) with at least 5 different subjects which include: 3 general education subjects at H2 level with grades A-C and 1 general education subject at H1 level plus the subject General Paper/Knowledge and Inquiry 

Language test exemptions:

Exempted from English proficiency test with the English Language Cambridge (O-level)

South Korea

High School Certificate 


Senior High School Diploma


Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong


VWO Diploma
Language test exemptions: exempted from Dutch and English proficiency test


VWO Diploma
Language test exemptions: exempted from Dutch and English proficiency test

Sint Maarten

  • VWO Diploma 
    Language test exemptions: exempted from Dutch and English proficiency test
  • CAPE (see International Diplomas)


VWO Diploma 
Language test exemptions: exempted from Dutch and English proficiency test


Título de Bachiller in one of the following: Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Naturales or Lenguas


  • Certificado de Conclusão de 2° Grau
  • Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio

Plus an ENEM with a minimum score of 550 in each of the 5 subjects, and an average score of at least 600 or higher.


  • Licencia de Educación Media Humanistico–Científica
  • Licencia de Enseñanza Media Científico-Humanista

Plus Pruebas de Admisión Transitorias with a minimum score of 600


Título de Bachiller Académico plus El Examen de Estado de la Educación Media, Saber 11° with a minimum score of 200


Título de Bachiller en Ciencias 


Bachillerato General – Preparatoria (Bicultural, Multicultural, Internacional)


Título de Bachiller en Ciencias / Ciencias y Letras / Letras


Certificado Oficial de Estudios de Nivel Educación Secundaria el Area de Ciencias y Humanidades with a final GPA of at least 17.


Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore obtained at a Gjimnazi with 4 general academic examination subjects


Atestat Mijnakarg (Yndhanur) Krtutyan


  • Reifeprüfungszeugnis
  • Reife- und Diplomprüfungszeugnis

Language test exemptions: exempted from English proficiency test


  • Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs, Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs
  • Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur, Enseignement General
  • Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (Allgemeinbildender Unterricht)

Language test exemptions: exempted from Dutch and English only in case of Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu from a Gimnazija
  • Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi from a Gimnazija


Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie with a general education stream


Svjedodžba o (državnoj) Maturi (general education) from a Gimnazija


  • Apolytirio Lykeio from a public school with an average final mark of 16 or higher, with the following specialisations:
  • Classical studies and humanities
  • Foreign languages and European studies
  • Economic sciences
  • Natural sciences/life sciences/information science/technology 

Students following the UK or US curriculum are referred to the corresponding diploma requirements equivalent certificates are not accepted.

Czech Republic

Vysvědčení o Maturitní Zkoušce from a Gimnazium


  • Bevis for Studentereksamen
  • Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen


Gumnaasiumi Loputunnistus plus Riigieksamitunnistus




  • Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général
  • Diplôme du Baccalauréat Français International

Language test exemptions: 

  • The option BFI (formerly OIB) American or British section grants exemption from an English proficiency test
  • The option BFI Neérlandais grants exemption from a Dutch proficiency test.


Sruli Zogadi Ganatlebis Atestati


Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur)

Language test exemptions: Exempted from English proficiency test if English was included in the final year or was one of the final examination subjects 


Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou with a minimum average mark of 15 or higher


Érettségi Bizonyítvány after completion of Gimnázium (with general/academic curriculum) with at least one exam subject at advanced level (Emelt). The fifth elective exam must be in a general education subject

Other type of schools e.g. Szakiskola, Szakközépiskola, Szakgimnázium or Technikum: admission will be considered on a case by case basis. 


Stúdentspróf from a Menntaskóli


Leaving Certificate with at least 6 subjects (general/academic subjects*) of which at least 2 at Higher Level with grade H1-H4 (CAO points required: 400 or higher)

*Accepted subjects: all languages, Agricultural Science, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Classical Studies, Computer Science, Economics, Geography, History, Mathematics, Physics, Physics & Chemistry, Politics & Society and Religious Education.


Te’udat Bagrut with a minimum of 21 units, including at least three general academic subjects*. 

English and Mathematics are mandatory with a minimum of 4 units.

*Accepted subjects: Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Foreign Languages and Social Studies.


Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondario Superiore from one of the following: Liceo Classico, Liceo Scientifico, Liceo Linguistico, Liceo delle Scienze Umane


Certifikatë e Maturës Shtetërore plus Diplomë për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të lartë from a gjimnazi


Atestāts par Vispārējo Vidējo Izglītību plus Vispārējās Vidējās Izglītības with an average grade of at least 60% for the state exams. Students with lower grades or who are exempted from taking state exams will be considered

for admission on an individual basis, depending on the relevant subjects, levels and results


Brandos Atestatas from a Gimnazija or Licejus


Diplome de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires


Diplomă de Bacalaureat, profilul: Real or Umanist


Vitnemål for Videregående Opplæring - General Studies – mentioning: og har oppnådd generell studiekompetanse 


Świadectwo Dojrzałości plus Świadectwo Ukończenia Liceum Ogólnokształcącego


Certificado Nivel Secundario de Educaçao with a Media Final of at least 14 plus the certificate of Classificações para Acesso ao Ensino Superior (declaration issued by DGES). We only accept the following streams from the Cursos Científicos Humanisticos: 

  • Ciências e Tecnologías 
  • Ciências Socioeconomicas
  • Linguas e Literaturas
  • Ciências Sociais e Humanas 


Diplomă de Bacalaureat Filiera Teoretică 


Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii 


Diploma o Stečenom Srednem Obrazovanju from a Gimnazije


Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške from a Gymnázium


Spričevalo o Splošni Maturi from a Gimnazia


Titulo de Bachiller/ Bachillerato with an average of at least 6.0 for the PAU/EBAU/EvAU exams. On these exams, a minimum grade of 6.0 for mathematics is required.


Gymnasieexamen: Högskoleförberedande examen

*Accepted profiles: Ekonomiprogrammet/Business Management and Economics Programme; Estetiska programmet/Arts Programme; Humanistiska programmet/Humanities Programme; Naturvetenskapsprogrammet/Natural Science Programme; Samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet/Social Science Programme; Teknikprogrammet/Technology Programme.


Maturity Certificate/Maturitätszeugnis/ Maturitätsausweis/Certificat de Maturité


Lise Diplomasi from a Genel Lise 

The Imam-Hatip Lise Diplomasi, Meslek Lisesi Diplomasi, Teknik Lisesi Diplomasi and Güzel Sanatlar Lise Diplomasi will only be considered in combination with university results.


Svidotstvo pro Zdobuttia Povnoi Zagalnoi Serednoi Osvity

United Kingdom, England & Wales

General Certificate of Education

Six different subjects with a minimum of 3 approved A-levels in general academic subjects* with final grades between A*- C plus 3 GCSEs. 

*Generally accepted subjects: All languages**, Ancient History, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, Computer Science, Economics, Environmental Science / Technology, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government and Politics, History, History of Art, Islamic Studies, Law, Life and Health Sciences, Marine Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Statistics.

** With the exception of ‘Language and Literature’ A-levels, a Language A-level covering your native language will not be accepted as one of the 3 approved A-levels. A Language A-level in your first/native language will only accepted as a 4th A-level. 

NB Only one of your 3 GCE A-Level subjects may be a language.

Certain A-Level subjects with an applied component are only accepted for certain Bachelor degree programmes. For example, Media Studies is only accepted for International Bachelor Communication and Media. Likewise, the A-Level Physical Education is only accepted for International Bachelor in Psychology.

Overlapping subjects: Narrow subject combinations such as Economics, Business and Accounting, or Physical Education, Biology and Psychology, are not preferred.


  • Scottish Qualification Certificate with at least 4 Highers and 2 Advanced Highers in general academic subjects with grades A-B.


*Generally accepted subjects: All languages, Ancient History, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, Computer Science, Economics, Environmental Science / Technology, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government and Politics, History, History of Art, Islamic Studies, Law, Life and Health Sciences, Marine Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Statistics.


Certificate of Completion of Secondary School Studies (theoretical profile). 

Diplomas obtained before 2019: Certificate of Completion of Secondary School Studies (theoretical profile) plus Pre-University Certificate


Secondary School Certificate/Baccaleureate – وثيقة مدرسية / المرحلة الإعدادية (Literary or Scientific section)


General Secondary Education Certificate - شهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة (Literary or Scientific (Pure Science) section


Baccalauréat (شهادة الثانوية العامة / البكالوريا)

Saudi Arabia 

Secondary School Graduation Certificate (Human sciences, Literary sciences and Scientific sciences)


General Secondary Education Certificate / شھادة الدراسة الثانویة العامة (Sciences and Humanities branch)


One of the following diplomas, with a minimum overall average of 75%. For diplomas obtained after 1 year Canadian education (e.g. only grade 12 in the Ontario system): applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. In such cases, previous

education is also taken into consideration.

  • Quebec - Diplome d'Etudes Collegiales – Pré-universitaire
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma with at least 6 4U courses in grade 12 (M courses are not accepted)
  • Alberta High School Diploma with 5 independent general academic courses (course numbers 30-39) in grade 12
  • British Columbia Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with at least 13 successfully completed general academic courses of which 5 must be completed in grade 12.
  • Manitoba High School Graduation Diploma including 5 full credits at the Grade 12 level in general academic courses designated S, G or U.
  • New Brunswick High School Graduation Diploma with at least 5 grade 12 general academic courses (level 2)
  • Newfoundland High School Graduation Diploma with at least 36 credits, of which 20 credits must be level 2 & 3 general academic courses and at least 9 credits in level 3 courses
  • Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma with proof of at least 5 general academic (ACAD) or advanced (ADV) grade 12 courses 
  • Saskatchewan Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement in at least five different grade 12 (level 30) courses in general, academic subjects

United States of America

High School Diploma from an accredited high school; a minimum GPA of 3.00 plus 4 independent AP courses in general academic subjects (with grade 3 or higher). AP exams* are required to be taken externally with College Board. 

* Accepted subjects: Art History, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Comparative Government and Politics, European History, Human Geography, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Psychology, United States Government and Politics, United States History, World History: Modern, Calculus AB or BC, Computer Science Principles, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, World Languages and Cultures**.

** Language APs (other than English) are generally accepted, except when the subject language is your native language. A Language AP in your first/native language will only be accepted as a 5th AP

Overlapping subjects are counted as 1 AP exam. For example, AP US History, AP European History and AP World History are not counted as 3 individual APs but as one. The same applies to AP Macro-Economics and AP Micro-Economics. In addition, only one of your AP exams may be a language.


  • Australian Capital Territory Year 12 Certificate
  • New South Wales Higher School Certificate
  • Queensland Certificate of Education
  • South Australian Certificate of Education
  • Tasmanian Certificate of Education
  • Victorian Certificate of Education
  • Western Australian Certificate of Education
  • Northern Territory Certificate of Education Secondary School Certificate 


We only accept general academic subjects in combination with a minimum ATAR score of 86 

Vocational subjects such as as Theatre, Tourism, Business, Home Economics, Media, Sports, Fine Arts are not accepted.

New Zealand

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 plus University Entrance with a total of at least 60 credits at Level 3 and 20 credits at Level 2 or higher. Approved general academic subjects:  including three subjects with at least 14 credits each at Level 3. 

Applied/Practical subjects are not accepted

Disclaimer:  This information is provided with the greatest possible care, Erasmus University Rotterdam cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. The content therefore is not legally binding. Erasmus University Rotterdam accepts no liability for any errors, omissions, or misinterpretations which might arise from the content of this information. Admissibility can only be determined after you have submitted a complete application via the EUR Admissions Portal. Inquiries regarding diploma and admissibility will not be handled by email or telephone. 

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