On this page you’ll find information on activities and possibilities during your studies. For example, you will kick off your studies with a series of introduction activities to get to know your fellow classmates, your lecturers, and the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Furthermore, when you scroll down, you can find more about the possibilities to personalise your bachelor.

Year 1: Introduction activities
What better way is there to get to know your fellow students and Erasmus University Rotterdam than during the introductory activities organised by ESHCC? We organise multiple activities, such as an official welcome session, social meetups, and the bachelor bootcamp and of course you'll get to know the campus and all the systems you'll work with during your studies.
Year 2 and 3: personalise your study
In year 2, you choose one of four focus areas: Economic History, International Relations, Social History or Cultural History. The focus area determines the direction in which you will graduate and consists of a number of main subjects, methodological subjects and electives.
In year 3, you can choose to follow a minor. Within a minor, you take a number of courses outside your own field of study: the ideal opportunity to broaden your horizons, within or outside the faculty.
Are you interested in a career as a teacher after finishing your bachelor? Then the Educational minor in History (Dutch) is the minor for you!
When you opt for a minor, you will do an internship for three months. You will gain practical experience and expand your network. You might even get to know your future employer!
For example, you can do an internship at museums, archives and cultural institutions. Who knows, you might dive into the archives of the Municipality of Rotterdam, help the Maritime Museum with its latest exhibition or organise a conference for the Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
Where did students before you do their internships?
Have you always wanted to learn a foreign language? Or are you curious to know what it's like to study history in another country? Then go on an exchange during your bachelor!
Erasmus University Rotterdam cooperates with more than 60 universities in and outside Europe. The courses you take during your exchange usually count towards your studies at EUR and you do not pay extra tuition fees. For many students, their exchange is the highlight of their bachelor.
You will finish your third and final year of IBHistory with writing a bachelor thesis on a topic of your choice. With the bachelor thesis, you will conduct your own small research project under supervision of one of our experienced staff members.
Students before you wrote their thesis on subjects as ‘the rise of feminism in the seventies of the twentieth century’, ‘the construction of Catalan national identity’, ‘Tourism in Yosemite National Parc’, ‘famine in Ethiopia’, ‘arts object stolen from Congo’ and ‘the conflict between Palestine and Israel’.
After completing the first year, you can combine History with a second bachelor degree in Philosophy of a Specific Discipline.
You will earn both bachelor's degrees in four years. Guided by passionate lecturers, you will dive into various philosophical themes, ranging from the philosophy of the Enlightenment to postmodern continental philosophy and from ethics to the philosophy of science. You will learn to argue clearly and to think critically and creatively.
We offer extra ambitious and talented students a bit more: more challenge, more depth, more commitment and intensive small-scale supervision.
For a limited number of students, selected on the basis of study results and a motivation letter, the History bachelor offers an Honours Class in the 2nd year of the bachelor. During this honours programme, you will immerse yourself in the theme 'state and society'.
Internships are the best way to figure out how to work with others, but also how find out what you like and what you dislike

When doing historical research, there is a large degree of subtlety and interpretation involved