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Research at Erasmus University Rotterdam concerns itself with global, societal challenges. Sustainability is one of these challenges. Through its numerous research centres, we strive to play a leading role in sustainability worldwide.

Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity

In the Erasmus Initiative ‘Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity’ multidisciplinary research is performed on sustainable prosperity growth.

Challenge Accepted - Fostering inclusive prosperity

Fostering inclusive prosperity.

LDE Centre for Sustainability

Three universities joining forces to stimulate a circular economy

Solar panels

Erasmus Sustainability Hub

Making a meaningful difference in the university community

Erasmus Research Platform on Sustainable Business & Human Rights

EUR researchers conduct research on sustainable business and respect for human rights

Man works on diamonds

Research centres and institutes

Research on sustainability takes place in several research centres and institutes of Erasmus University Rotterdam. We have also joined forces with TU Delft and Leiden University in the LDE Centre for Sustainability. This centre aims to accelerate the transition to a circular economy to achieve a sustainable society.   

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