Advisory Committee for Complaints and Objections

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Anyone who is directly involved in a decision of an administrative body of EUR can object to this decision by submitting a notice of objection to the Advisory Committee on Complaints and Objections (hereinafter: AKB). The AKB does not advise on objections from students and external students. These objections are handled by the Student Disputes Advisory Committee (hereinafter: GAS) in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.63a WHW.

In addition, everyone has the right to file a complaint about the behavior of an administrative body of EUR. Behavior of a person working under the responsibility of the administrative body is, according to the General Administrative Law Act, regarded as behavior of the administrative body.

Composition AKB

The AKB consists of a chairman and at least two members. The chairman is not part of and does not work under the responsibility of the Executive Board. The committee includes at least one lawyer and at least one person who is an expert on the matter.

The members of the committee have not been involved in the decision-making against which the objection is directed. If it concerns a complaint, the members of the committee have not been involved in the act or omission that led to the complaint.


The AKB has the task of advising the Executive Board (hereinafter: CvB) in response to the notice of objection or complaint submitted. The Executive Board will ultimately take the decision on the objection or give an opinion on the complaint.

A hearing will take place during the procedure. The parties will be given the opportunity to present their positions one last time during this session. Further regulations regarding the hearing can be found in the Regulations of the Advisory Committee for Complaints and Objections 2021.


If you believe that you have an urgent interest, you can submit your request for interim relief to the interim relief judge. In contrast to the GAS, the AKB does not provide for its own possibility of an interim relief.

Decision on objection

You and any other parties involved will receive written notification of the decision on the objection. If the decision on the objection deviates from the advice given by the AKB, this will be motivated in the decision. If the decision does not deviate from the advice, you can find the motivation in the content of the advice of the AKB. In the decision on the objection it is stated where you can lodge an appeal.

Complaint handling

You and any other parties involved will receive written notice of the opinion on the complaint. If the judgment deviates from the advice given by the AKB, this will be motivated in its judgment. Please note: there is no possibility to object or lodge an appeal against the handling of a complaint.


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