Legal Procedures supports multiple independent committees: Board of Appeals for Examinations (CBE), Advisory Committee for Complaints and Objections (AKB), Board of Appeal for non-initial education (GNIO), Committee Scientific Integrity (CWI), Committee Undesirable Behaviour (COG), the Whistleblower Committee (CK), the Employee Dispute Committee (CGW) and the Student Objection Advisory Committee (GAS). Legal Procedures is furthermore responsible for the legal representation at the Council of State, Administrative Jurisdiction Division in case of appeals against decisions made by the Board of Appeals for Examinations and at the Netherlands Board on Research Integrity (LOWI).
A more detailed description of Legal Procedures can be found in the annual report Legal Protection and the overview of committees below.
Objections, appeals and complaints
If you do not agree with a decision of the university or a body thereof, such as the Executive Board, a dean, an examination committee or an examiner, you can use the legal remedies objection and appeal. If you disagree about the way in which an administrative body has behaved towards you or another person in a particular matter, you can submit a complaint to the Legal Procedures facility.
If you want to file a complaint against an employee of the General Management Directorate, you can submit the complaint directly to the Executive Board via: In consultation with you, it will then be determined how your complaint will be processed. The procedure takes place in accordance with the regulations established by the Executive Board (AKB, COG, CGW, CK).
Legal Protection Facility
EUR has a one-stop shop where students can submit their objections, appeals and complaints. This is called the Legal Protection facility and is managed by Legal Procedures . The objections, appeals and complaints are directly forwarded to the appropriate boards, committees and / or bodies, after which you will be informed of the further procedure. The followed procedure can be found in the Working guide handling messages from students and externals Legal Protection Facility 2021.
Working method Legal Procedures
At any time, general questions about the procedure can be addressed at Legal Procedures. However, because of the fact that Legal Procedures supports multiple independent and unbiased committees, Legal Procedures does not compose any documents for (one of the) parties nor provide substantive legal advice.
For more information about our working method, you can visit our website.
Legal Procedures supports multiple legal protection committees and colleges. Below you will find information about who can go where and for what purpose.
- Who? Complaints: anyone; Objections: interested parties (not a student or external student)
- What sort of cases? Complaints: behavior of an administrative body; Objections: decisions of an administrative body that directly affect the interested party
- Who? (External) students (also former and future)
- What sort of cases? Decisions made by exam committees and examiners, etc.
- Who? Participants in non-initial courses, provided the GNIO is authorised
- What sort of cases? Decisions by a provider of non-initial, NVAO accredited, study programmes
- Who? Anyone
- What sort of cases? Compalints regarding violation of scientific integrity
- Who? Anyone
- What sort of cases? Complaints regarding sexual intimidation, discrimination, racism, violence, etc.
- Who? (External) students (also former and future)
- What sort of cases? All decisions made by an administrative authority of the EUR (except those that are handled by the CBE)
- Who? Anyone
- What sort of cases? Acts or omissions in which the social interest is at stake: violation of a statutary regulation, danger to public health, danger to safety of persons, risk of damage to the environment, danger to the proper functioning of a public service or company
It is often helpful to try to find a solution to a problem with the EUR in an informal way. Starting a conversation with the other person may be a good way to solve many problems. If the problem remains, you can contact the EUR Legal Protection Facility. This is a one-stop shop where students can submit their objections, appeals and complaints. The objections, appeals and complaints will be forwarded to the board, committee or other EUR body that is competent to handle your case, after which you will be informed about the further procedure.
If you would like to receive legal advice regarding objections, appeals or complaints, there are several external organisations you can contact.
It is possible to obtain information from the student line of the Dutch Student Union. The student line is staffed by young lawyers and volunteers. They can give you advice on appeal and objection procedures. They cannot represent you in legal proceedings.
For more information about the student line of the Dutch Student Union, please visit the following website:
It is also possible to present your problem to the Juridisch Loket. The Juridisch Loket provides free legal advice. The Juridisch Loket can be reached in various ways:
- You can call the Juridisch Loket at 0900-8020, for which a fee is charged;
- You can email the Juridisch Loket using the form on the Juridisch Loket website (one of the lawyers will answer your email within 3 working days);
- You can drop by during the walk-in consultancy hour (more information about the times and locations can be found on the following website: .
Making an appointment
If more time is needed to answer your question, the Juridisch Loket lawyer may decide to make an appointment with you.
If you are eligible for an appointment, the Juridisch Loket will ask about your income and assets. Do you earn too much or do you have too many assets? Then unfortunately the Juridisch Loket cannot help you. This is determined by the Legal Aid Act. You may be able to turn to your legal assistance insurance or trade union.
For more information about the Juridisch Loket, please visit the following website:
When you come to the Juridisch Loket with your legal problem, they first look at your situation with you. The Juridisch Loket will check whether an attorney is necessary and whether you can pay for the attorney yourself. If the Juridisch Loket refers you to an attorney you will receive a referral letter.
Do you have a low income and little savings? Then you may not have to pay the costs of the attorney. This is called "subsidized legal assistance" or "an addition". Your attorney will arrange the application for an addition. The Legal Aid Board decides whether you are entitled to an addition.
If you receive an addition, you will still have to pay a contribution of your own. The amount you have to pay depends on how much you earn. You can get a discount on the co-payment with a referral from the Juridisch Loket.
If you are not assigned an attorney, you can of course hire one yourself. However, this is at your own expense.
Proceedings at the EUR Legal Procedures Facility are conducted in the Dutch language by law. If you do not speak Dutch well, you may need an interpreter.
In principle, the person who needs an interpreter must arrange and pay for an interpreter themselves. Depending on your income and assets, you may be entitled to a contribution towards the costs of an attorney and/or an interpreter. This is called subsidized legal assistance.
It is therefore important to check whether you qualify for subsidized legal assistance. If you are eligible, you can apply for subsidized legal assistance, after which you can also be assigned an interpreter.
For more information about subsidized legal assistance, you can consult the following website:…
- Email address