Board of Appeals for Examinations

Tinbergen gebouw

Future, former and current students as well as external students may appeal to the Examination Appeals Board (abbreviated to CBE) against numerous decisions regarding education, tests and examinations that concern them. 

These include, among others, decisions:

  • on admission to a (pre)master programme;
  • of examination committees and examiners;
  • on the Colloquium Doctum; and
  • On the negative binding study advice. 

The complete list can be found in article 7.61 of the Higher Education and Research Act

If you wish to appeal a decision, you must do so within six weeks. A notice of appeal that is received by the CBE outside of this period must be accompanied by the reason for the late submission. Please note: in most cases, a late appeal will be declared inadmissible. This means that the CBE will not consider your appeal. 


If the CBE handles your appeal, it will give you the opportunity to be heard. The aim is to have this take place no later than six weeks after receipt of your notice of appeal. These hearings are public. This year, hearings will take place on:

  • 11 January
  • 1 February
  • 7 March
  • 4 April
  • 2 May
  • 6 June
  • 4 July
  • 1 Augustus

A schematic overview of the procedure to be followed can be found under Downloads. 


Decisions of the CBE are published - anonymously- on our website. You can find the decision of the past years here:

The following information must always be stated in the appeal:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Student number
  • Education
  • Faculty
  • Disputed decision
  • Grounds of appeal

If anything is unclear, you should contact a study advisor, student counselor or the CBE.

Grounds of appeal are the reasons why you submit an appeal to the CBE. You can then explain, for example, why the law, the Education and Examination Regulations of the degree program, the Rules and Guidelines of the Examination Board or the general principles of good governance have been violated. Some of those principles are:

  • Principle of trust
  • Principle of equality
  • Due Diligence Principle
  • Justification principle
  • Legal certainty principle

The grounds for appeal are the substantiation of your letter of appeal.

If you do not agree with the decision made by the CBE, you can lodge an appeal with the Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak within six weeks of receipt of the decision, see also:

You can authorize someone in writing to carry out the case for you. This authorization must be dated and signed by yourself and the person you authorize. All correspondence will then go through the authorized representative.

After you have submitted your letter of appeal, the CBE will forward it to the body that made the decision. The CBE will request that body to attempt to reach an amicable settlement or to submit a statement of defense within three weeks. If a settlement has not been reached and a statement of defense has been submitted, that statement of defense will be submitted to you. On the basis of the statement of defense, you can then determine whether you wish to continue or withdraw your appeal.

If you choose to pursue your appeal, a hearing will be scheduled. During this hearing, the CBE (consisting of three members), the defendant (the body that made the decision) and you will be present. You will be given the opportunity to explain your letter of appeal in more detail.

After this hearing, the CBE will deliberate, after which a judgment will be made. You will receive the judgment in writing at a later date.


Verdicts of the Examination Appeals Board can be found per year via the menu on the left. The verdicts are arranged by keyword. If you wish, you can also read the full - anonymized – statement. Via the search box at the top of the page on the right you can search by keywords in the verdicts of past years.


Email address
Postbus 1738
3000 DR

Mail items can be sent to the above address with reference to the CBE. It is not a requirement to send your appeal by post. 

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