From Newbie to Nobel Prize - informal chat with Guido Imbens

Are you currently a PhD student and would you like to make an impact with your research? Nobel Prize winner Guido Imbens once stood in your shoes! On November 8th, you can ask him all your questions during an informal inspiration session.

During this event...

  • you will learn more about the development of Guido Imbens' academic career from EUR student to Nobel Prize winner;
  • get tips for your career as an ambitious researcher;

  • you can ask all your questions about winning a Nobel Prize and the road to it!

Please note: registration is full. You can, however, still register for the waitlist. As soon as someone deregisters for  the event, the first person on the waitlist will receive confirmation that they are now regularly registered for the event.

Guido Imbens, professor of Economics and Applied Econometrics at Stanford University
Stefan Bladh

Who is Guido Imbens?
Guido Imbens, EUR alumnus, a leading economist and econometrician and Nobel laureate, is a true pioneer in his field. He has made pioneering contributions to the world of statistics and econometrics and revolutionised the way we understand causality and treatment effects. This is your chance to hear directly from him about his journey and the experiences that led him to the very peak of academic success.

The language of the event is English. However, it is also possible to ask your questions in Dutch. The host will translate your question.

The Education Lab is fully wheelchair accessible. Do you need assistance and/or guidance? If so, please contact us at

Are you no longer able to attend the event? You can deregister by making an account here (with the e-mail address you have used to sign up) or send an e-mail to

Do you have any questions or remarks regarding this e-mail? Please send an e-mail to

110e dies natalis promotievideo

110th Dies Natalis
Curious to learn more about Guido Imbens? Join us at the 110th Dies Natalis ceremony, which starts at 15:00 hrs, where he will be awarded an honorary doctorate by Professor Dr. Dinand Webbink (ESE). During this celebration of our 110th anniversary, we will explore 'Making Minds Matter: New Horizons', and look ahead to the next 110 years of science and impact.

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