Outstanding level Q-Park Thesis Award 2018

Ruben Camphuijsen (TU Delft) is the winner of the Q-Park Thesis Award 2018. The winners of the Q-Park Thesis Award 2018 were announced at the annual Q-Park and Erasmus Centre for Urban, Port and Transport Economics (UPT) Thought Leader Event.

Camphuijsen won the first prize of 2.500 euro with his thesis ‘Smart mobility: a strategic solution in urban development’. Runner up is Stefan Laro (TU Eindhoven) and the third prize is for Frank Siebers (Erasmus University Rotterdam).

High level of entries

The panel of parking experts were impressed at the high level of theses in this year’s entrance. Dr. Giuliano Mingardo of Erasmus UPT: “The committee really had a difficult job in deciding which thesis was the best. All entries were of outstanding quality. But based on the originality of the topic and the depth of the analysis, we chose Ruben Camphuijsen as the winner.”

Q-Park Thesis Award

The Q-park Thesis Award is for the best MSc thesis written on parking and mobility at a University in the Netherlands or Belgium. This year, eight theses were submitted from six universities: TU Eindhoven, TU Delft, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Antwerp and Hasselt University.

Mobility will change

The Q-Park Thesis Award was not the only topic during the Thought Leader Event. The event focused on what parking experts and students have to say about parking and mobility.
The evening made clear that the world of mobility will change dramatically within the next 10 to 20 years. That much is clear at the. Dr. Giuliano Mingardo from Erasmus UPT: “Parking operators must realize that knowledge will be their most important raw material in the next decades.”

Downloads available

More information and a download with pdf’s of the key note speakers from the Thought Leader Event from Q-Park and Erasmus University Rotterdam is available on Q-Park.com.

The Thought Leader Event was in the Theatre of the Customer Assistance Center (CAC) of Mercedes Benz, Maastricht.


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