Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Roel) RCM van Steensel

    dr. (Roel) RCM van Steensel
  • (Julia) JA Steenwegen

    (Julia) JA Steenwegen
  • prof.dr. (Bram) AJ Steijn

    Prof. dr. A.J. Steijn (1959) is professor of public administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He holds the chair on human resource management in the…
    prof.dr. (Bram) AJ Steijn
  • dr. (Jessica) JHT Steinman

    dr. (Jessica) JHT Steinman
  • prof.dr. (Majone) MJ Steketee

    prof.dr. (Majone) MJ Steketee
  • drs. (Hanna) HL Stolper

    drs. (Hanna) HL Stolper
  • (Lisa) L van der Storm, MSc

    Lisa van der Storm is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam on the ERC Starting Grant of Prof. dr. Renske Keizer ("The role of the father in…
    (Lisa) L van der Storm, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Jan) JW van Strien

    EEG, memory, and emotions Early Posterior Negativity (EPN) EPN and phylogenetic threat Emotion and aging Hormones and cognition Handedness (Dutch Handedness…
    prof.dr. (Jan) JW van Strien
  • (Joyce) JF Stubblefield

    (Joyce) JF Stubblefield
  • drs. (Myrthe) M Stuit, MA

    drs. (Myrthe) M Stuit, MA

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