Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Yefim) Y Shulman

    dr. (Yefim) Y Shulman
  • (Thomas) TB Siderius, MSc

    (Thomas) TB Siderius, MSc
  • (Robin) RM Simonse, MSc

    (Robin) RM Simonse, MSc
  • (Bojan) B Simoski

    Bojan Simoski is a postdoctoral researcher in the Movez Lab, where he is focused on applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) for empowering smart, healthy and…
    (Bojan) B Simoski
  • (Michael) MJJ Sinnige

    (Michael) MJJ Sinnige
  • drs. (Johan) JMW Sleegers, MBA

    drs. (Johan) JMW Sleegers, MBA
  • dr. (Eric) EAW Slob, MSc

    I develop methods and techniques for big (genetic) datasets. In my work, I use genetic evidence to answer research questions in social science and medicine. I…
    dr. (Eric) EAW Slob, MSc
  • drs. (Adriaan) AFL Slob

    drs. (Adriaan) AFL Slob
  • (Anne) AMR Slootweg, MSc

    Anne Slootweg is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. In this PhD project I aim to provide an ethnographic…
    (Anne) AMR Slootweg, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Guus) AACM Smeets

    prof.dr. (Guus) AACM Smeets

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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