Researcher profielen

560 resultaten

  • MJ (Marian) Biekart

    MJ (Marian) Biekart
  • dr. JL (Jess) Bier

    Jess Bier is an associate professor of urban sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Overall her work engages with the social and political impacts of…
    dr. JL (Jess) Bier
  • dr. DJ (David) Blok

    David Blok is an academic researcher at the Erasmus Movez Lab. In June 2018, he successfully defended his dissertation, entitled “Introducing systems approaches…
    dr. DJ (David) Blok
  • dr. SN (Steven) Blok, MSc

    dr. SN (Steven) Blok, MSc
  • dr. BR (Bruno) Bocanegra

    dr. BR (Bruno) Bocanegra
  • NH (Nora) de Bode

    NH (Nora) de Bode
  • dr. S (Savannah) Boele

    Dr. Savannah Boele is a postdoctoral researcher in the PARADOx research project (
    dr. S (Savannah) Boele
  • OD (Olga) Boer, MSc

    OD (Olga) Boer, MSc
  • E (Esmee) Boerema

    E (Esmee) Boerema
  • dr. M (Marilisa) Boffo

    Marilisa Boffo is associate professor in clinical psychology and digital behavioral health at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences of the Erasmus…
    dr. M (Marilisa) Boffo

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