Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Assistant professor | Methods & Skills
More information
- Raymond V. Gutterswijk, Chris H. Z. Kuiper, Annemiek T. Harder, Frank C. P. van der Horst, Bruno R. Bocanegra & Peter Prinzie (2025) - Reducing Behavioral Problems and Treatment Duration of Adolescents in Secure Residential Care: A Multiple Single-Case Experimental Design Study - Evaluation & The Health Professions, 48 (1), 95 - 111 - doi: 10.1177/01632787241228552 - [link]
- Raymond, V Gutterswijk, Chris H. Z. Kuiper, Annemiek T. Harder, Bruno R. Bocanegra, Frank C. P. van der Horst & Peter Prinzie (2023) - Associations between secure residential care and positive behavioral change in adolescent boys and girls - Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 40 (2), 173-196 - doi: 10.1080/0886571x.2022.2100561 - [link]
- Bruno R. Bocanegra, Fenna H. Poletiek & Rolf A. Zwaan (2022) - Language concatenates perceptual features into representations during comprehension - Journal of Memory and Language, 127 - doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2022.104355 - [link]
- Coralie Creupelandt, Pierre Maurage, Bruno Bocanegra, Sebastien Szaffarczyk, Philippe de Timary, Jory Deleuze, Carine Lambot & Fabien D'Hondt (2022) - Spatial frequency processing and its modulation by emotional content in severe alcohol use disorder - Psychopharmacology, 239 (8), 2647-2657 - doi: 10.1007/s00213-022-06158-w - [link]
- Coralie Creupelandt, Fabien D'Hondt, Bruno Bocanegra, Sebastien Szaffarczyk, Philippe de Timary, Jory Deleuze, Carine Lambot & Pierre Maurage (2022) - Visual abilities in severe alcohol use disorder: Preserved spatial but impaired temporal resolution - Journal of Psychiatric Research, 149, 201-208 - doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.02.040 - [link]
- Fenna H. Poletiek, Padraic Monaghan, Maartje van de Velde & Bruno R. Bocanegra (2021) - The semantics-syntax interface: Learning grammatical categories and hierarchical syntactic structure through semantics - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 47 (7), 1141-1155 - doi: 10.1037/xlm0001044 - [link]
- Bruno Bocanegra (2019) - An intelligent mind is an experimenting mind - [link]
- Bruno R. Bocanegra, Fenna H. Poletiek, Bouchra Ftitache & Andy Clark (2019) - Intelligent problem-solvers externalize cognitive operations - Nature Human Behaviour, 3 (2), 136-142 - doi: 10.1038/s41562-018-0509-y
- FH Poletiek, CM Conway, MR Ellefson, J Lai, Bruno Bocanegra & MH Christiansen (2018) - Under what conditions can recursion be learned?: Effects of starting small in artificial grammar learning of center-embedded structure - Cognitive Science, 42 (8), 2855-2889 - doi: 10.1111/cogs.12685
- Bruno Bocanegra (2017) - Troubling anomalies and exciting conjectures: A bipolar model of scientific discovery - Emotion Review, 9 (2), 155-162 - doi: 10.1177/1754073915619020 - [link]
- Bruno Bocanegra (15 november 2021) - Language: the Hardest Problem of Science - Easy Peasy for any Child
- Bruno Bocanegra (24 september 2021) - Performative lecture : PUK*
- Bruno Bocanegra (1 juli 2019) - Interactive IQ Test May Better Predict Real-World Achievement
- Bruno Bocanegra (4 februari 2019) - Solving problems in your head and in the world
- Bruno Bocanegra (29 juni 2017) - Towards a New Theory of Creativity
- Bruno Bocanegra (5 maart 2014) - Shortstop Psychology: The Mystery of the Yips
- Bruno Bocanegra (27 mei 2009) - How fear makes some things clear
- Bruno Bocanegra (2014) - Beste psychologiedocent
2.1C Statistics II/ Statistiek II
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWPE2-022-C
2.1P Stat. Skills II/ Stat. vaard. II
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWPE2-025-C
2.1 Methods & Statistics II
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ESSB-PE2010
2.1C Methods & Statistics II
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWPE2-022
2.1P Methods & Statistics II
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWPE2-025