Dr. Bjorn de Koning
Bjorn de Koning is Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Education, and Child Studies (DPECS) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He coordinates the master programme Educational Psychology: Learning and Performance, teaches courses about educational psychology and online learning, and is member of the Examination Board of ESSB. His main area of expertise is in learning and instruction, and he is dedicated to study, stimulate and support learning processes and -outcomes in education and training.

Prof. dr. Fred Paas
Fred Paas is professor of Educational Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam and a professorial fellow at the University of Wollongong in Australia. He is one of the developers of the Cognitive Load Theory, which is one of the most influential theories on instructional design. The theory uses evolutionary theory to consider human cognitive architecture and uses that architecture to devise novel, instructional procedures. His research is multidisciplinary, focusing on the design of effective and efficient learning environments. His recent research interests include the role of the physical environment in cognition and learning, evolutionary approaches to cognitive load and learning, and the effects of physical activities on cognition and learning.

Dr. Lesya Ganushchak
Lesya Ganushchak is an assistant professor at the department of Psychology, Education & Child Studies/Educational and Developmental Psychology at Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research interests are related to language processing. Her current research is centred on the fundamental aspects of reading comprehension as well as developing interventions that improve reading comprehension. But also, topics such as (self) monitoring your own comprehension, bilingual language production and comprehension are part of her research interests. She examines these questions using behavioural, electroencephalogram recordings (EEG), and eye-tracking methods.

Dr. Lonneke de Meijer
Lonneke A.L. de Meijer is an assistant professor at the department of Psychology, Education & Child Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Lonneke holds a Ph.D. in Industrial and Organization Psychology. Her current teaching and research are in the field of Educational Sciences. Research topics include diversity in education, teacher professional learning especially regarding culturally responsive education, academic teacher training, and schools as learning organisations.

Dr. Marieke Meeuwisse
Marieke Meeuwisse works as an associate professor at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies. As a psychologist and sociologist with a Ph.D. in educational sciences, she investigates the academic trajectories of diverse students in higher education. The focal point in her research is diversity, inclusion and academic success in higher education, with a special interest in the learning environment, student-teacher interaction and sense of belonging.

Dr. Marloes Nederhand
Marloes Nederhand is an Assistant Professor at the section Curriculum Innovation and Professional Skills at Erasmus University Rotterdam and a research fellow of the Community for Learning and Innovation. Her fields of interest include: life-long learning, self-assessment, calibration accuracy, feedback, experimental research, academic success.
On-going research: interventions to improve the judgements people make of their own performance; collaboration with RSM to examine how student evaluation cycles at higher education institutions can be improved.
Education: Coordinating master course and practical ‘Innovation in Education and Training’ and ‘Investigating Educational Innovations’ respectively. Coordination of bachelor theses at Psychology.

Dr. Martine Baars
Martine Baars, PhD, is an educational psychologist at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies. Her research concerns instructional strategies to improve self-monitoring and self-regulation of learning in primary, secondary and higher education. She focuses on several aspects of self-regulated learning such as self-monitoring accuracy, motivation, learning strategies and cognitive load during learning in both offline and online learning environments (e.g., MOOCs) for individuals and groups. The role of technology and how it can enhance (self-regulated) learning is part of her research interests. As a researcher Martine is active in the Centre for Education and Learning (CEL) of the Strategic Alliance of Leiden University, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and Erasmus University Rotterdam, as well as in the Community of Learning and Innovation (CLI) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. As a teacher Martine is part of the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies (DPECS) within the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural sciences (ESSB).

Dr. Roel van Steensel
Roel van Steensel is assistant professor of Educational Sciences at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences and endowed professor of Reading Behaviour at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research focuses on reading development from the preschool period (emergent literacy, family literacy) to adolescence (reading comprehension, reading motivation, reading instruction). At Erasmus University, he teaches courses on Educational Policy and on Assessment and Evaluation in the Pedagogy and Educational Sciences bachelor and master programme.