prof.dr. P (Peter) Mascini


As a researcher, I consider myself to be primarily a policy sociologist. Policy is based on the basic assumption that humans can be influenced. Taking a closer look, we see that the theoretical assumptions that underlie policy instruments often prove to be incorrect or remain implicit or uncorroborated. Consequently, policy measures often have unintended consequences because users or target groups attach different meanings to policy instruments than policy makers or scholars had hoped for or assumed. I primarily assess the assumptions underlying specific policy measures, how these assumptions are connected to the motives and interests of the policy subjects, and what happens if the policy subjects do not act in accordance with the presuppositions underlying policy instruments. My research of the last few years focuses on the legitimization and implementation of health and safety policy, asylum policy, and crime and terrorism fighting.

Erasmus School of Law

Full professor | Sociology of Law

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Associate professor | Policy, Politics and Society


News regarding prof.dr. P (Peter) Mascini

Peter Mascini onderzoekt doorbraak Empirical Legal Studies in Nederland

Peter Mascini schreef in het EJELS het artikel A Case Study of the Advent of Empirical Legal Studies in the Netherlands: The Narrow Pathway of Instrumentalism
Peter Mascini

Nieuw boek 'Recht in het echt' slaat de brug tussen wet en werkelijkheid

Nina Holvast, Willem-Jan Kortleven en Peter Mascini hebben een nieuw empirisch-juridisch boek voor juristen uitgebracht.
Nina Holvast, Jan-Willem Kortleven en Peter Mascini

De Roldynamiek binnen juridische professies

In een nieuw themanummer van het tijdschrift Recht der Werkelijkheid wordt stilgestaan bij de roldynamiek binnen juridische professies.