Emmanuel Itete Mugagga

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I try to find time to walk around and to explore many different things in the city.

Emmanuel Itete Mugagga

LL.M. student Commercial and Company Law 2016-2017

I obtained a scholarship from the ESL TalentFund, which offers students from developing countries the opportunity to pursue an LL.M. at Erasmus School of Law. Since September 2016, I have been increasing my legal knowledge by following ESL’s LL.M. in Commercial and Company Law.

I come from Rwanda, and my first name is Emmanuel, which means God with us. My other name is Mugagga, and in our local language it means a very rich person. In God, I consider myself rich, although not currently in terms of money, but in many other wonderful ways, and the opportunity to study at Erasmus School of Law is just one of them, and a means to others.

Generally, no matter where lawyers live, they often have the same mindset and ideologies. The quality of education at Erasmus School of Law is very high, and the School’s pedagogical system motivates students to work hard. My LL.M. curriculum is good, providing students with structure and with the motivation to prepare well for class. In addition, Erasmus School of Law has excellent facilities, including an online library with a broad range of sources, to which students have access. In addition, there is a special library for law students − Sanders Law Library – with its selection of good books, magazines, and study areas. In my country, current legal resources are unfortunately scarce, and the system does not encourage or fully facilitate students to the extent that Erasmus does.

I have already been thinking about what I will bring back to my home country. In my opinion, it will be good to take the methodology and structure of the LL.M. of Erasmus School of Law as an example. I should be able to collect good literature, to prepare myself to give lectures and seminars, and to make sure that students can access the prescribed literature and are motivated to prepare themselves. This means that in the end, we can, together, raise the quality of lectures to a higher level.

Every week, I try to find time to walk around and to explore many different things in the city: for example, parks, museums, and the harbour. I also play soccer in a Dutch soccer team. In addition, I love to ride my bike from home to the university; it gives me the freedom to see a little more of the city, and I enjoy being outside, although it is a bit difficult for me to get used to the cold Dutch winter weather.

The process of applying for a scholarship takes time, so be committed and take the application very seriously. You also need to be patient. I did not receive a scholarship the first year that I applied, but I tried again, and in the second year I received one, which brought me to Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. It was absolutely worth the time and the effort!

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