Reflection roulette

Increase your students' engagement and stimulate reflection. In four breakout groups, substantive questions, supporting examples, counterarguments, and areas of agreement are formulated. Together, students explore the essence of the meeting and share valuable insights in the plenary report.

Activity goal
Exchange knowledge | Recap / Summarize | Reflect
In class
Offline | Online
< 30 minutes
Group size
Small | Medium


Step 1

Divide the group into four (breakout) groups.

Step 2

  1. Group 1: Formulate two substantive questions about the meeting.
  2. Group 2: Identify two examples that support the content.
  3. Group 3: Think of two counterarguments that question what was learned.
  4. Group 4: Discuss where you found agreement in the meeting.

Step 3

Each group presents their findings in a plenary session.

Tip 1

This activity works well both offline and online.

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