Ongoing reflection

To encourage self-reflection, students can be asked to set personal goals at the start of a new course. Having them set goals at the beginning of a course will make them more purposeful while studying and gives them something to work towards during the weeks of class. At the end of the course, they can be given some time to reflect on these goals, and see whether they achieved them, and what the reason was for doing so or for not doing so.

Activity goal
Assess | Reflect
In class | Post class | Pre class
Offline | Online
< 10 minutes
Group size
Small | Medium | Large


Step 1

Let students set their own learning goals, focused on…

Step 2

Let students assess themselves.

Step 3

Schedule various moments throughout the course for students to reflect on their progress toward their learning goals.

Step 4

Encourage students to provide concrete examples of situations or tasks where they have applied or developed their learning goals.

Step 5

Arrange for peer or instructor feedback, if appropriate, either mid-course or at the end.

Step 6

Incorporate scheduled reflection moments throughout the course, such as at the end of specific units or at strategic points in the curriculum.

Tip 1

Let students create an action plan to achieve their personal learning goals.

Tip 2

Let students give a presentation or engage in a discussion with each other about their personal learning goals.

Tip 3

Let students ask themselves questions like: Where am I now? Where am I going? What is my next step?

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