How do you perceive it?

With this teachingsession, you warm up the group for a discussion with different opinions. Students see that you can look at a problem from different perspectives, depending on how you look at it.

Activity goal
Practice skills
In class
Hybrid | Offline | Online
< 10 minutes
Group size
Small | Medium

Whiteboard and markers

Step 1

Draw a triangle as shown in the image below.

Step 2

Ask students how many triangles they see.

Step 3

Write their answers without responding in the margin.

Step 4

After collecting the answers, ask students to explain their answers. Start with the student with the most triangles and let him/her tell where he/she sees the triangles.

Step 5

Discuss with the group: was the one who said 16 wrong? And 17? And 24?  Why or why not?

Step 6

Close the exercise with the instruction: in the next discussion, I invite you to look at different opinions just as you are doing now. If someone has a different opinion say: I see it differently.

You can also do it with other figures, such as a star or squares.

Whiteboard and markers

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