
Brainwriting is a form of brainstorming where all ideas are written down. With brainwriting, you can quickly and effectively generate new ideas in a creative way.

Activity goal
In class
Offline | Online
< 30 minutes
Group size
Small | Medium

Pen & paper


Step 1

Prior to the working group or lecture in which you want to use this working sheet, make a number of boxes on an A4 sheet.

Step 2

All students are given an A4 form with a number of boxes on it.

Step 3

In the top box of the sheet, each student writes down one to three ideas. Each student gives their form to the person to their right.

Step 4

In the second box, everyone writes down one to three new ideas, based on the ideas from the previous round.

Step 5

Repeat these steps several times until all the boxes are filled. And then have everyone shuffle their form one more time.

Step 6

All students choose one to three ideas on the form they have in front of them that they think are the best. This way, you will eventually have collected a list of 'best ideas'!

Step 7

If necessary, have the students break up into groups to work out the best ideas.

Pencil, paper with boxes

Consider the tools and materials mentioned here as suggestions. In many cases it’s possible to use alternative tools. Please turn to the Learning & Innovation team of your faculty first to see which online and offline tools are available and how to apply them.


Step 1

Before the scheduled working group or lecture, create an A4 worksheet on Miro with multiple empty boxes on it.

Step 2

Show the Miro board to all students attending the online session.

Step 3

Instruct each student to write down one to three ideas in the top box of the sheet. They can do this via break-out rooms or working individually in Miro.

Step 4

In the second box of the sheet, everyone writes down one to three new ideas based on the ideas received from the previous round. They can do this via break-out rooms or working individually in Miro.

Step 5

Repeat steps 3 and 4 several times until all the boxes on the worksheet in Miro are filled with different ideas.

After completion, have everyone shuffle their worksheet one more time.

Step 6

Instruct all students to review the ideas on the worksheet in Miro in front of them and choose one to three ideas they believe are the best.

Step 7

Collect the worksheets from all students and compile the list of "best ideas" on Miro.

If necessary, divide the students into groups to further develop and refine the selected ideas.

This activity can be conducted online via Miro. 

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