Summer School 2023 'Design and Transitions: Emerging Theories and Practices at the Intersection'

Dialogue between the disciplines of design and transitions (research)

This summer school provides a space for critical and creative interdisciplinary dialogue between the disciplines of design (research) and transitions (research). It facilitates the co-creation of theoretical knowledge that transcends their disciplinary boundaries. 

Although typically operating in isolation, the fields of Design and Transitions (including their scientific foundations and frameworks, their norms, and their methods) are increasingly seen as complementary in the pursuit of achieving sustainable, just and resilient futures. As a result, increasing scholarly attention is being paid to how the fields relate to one another, leading to new configurations and integrations of each. Transformative change is already happening, and policy, business and communities are engaging with it in different ways to address the challenges of sustainability. However, if we want to attend to the increasing urgency of radical transitions, we need another strategy - one that is transformative and imaginative and brings into practice the idea that we can design towards transitions. 

During this summer school, running from 09 - 14 July 2023, we explore this emerging field together, while learning about theories and practices that are arising and/or relevant at the intersection. Additionally, we discover the theories and practices that are typical in these disciplines and together explore effective ways of co-creating knowledge in research and practice contexts of sustainability transitions. Hereby, we address topics such as power and justice, imagination, experientiality of futures, more-than-humans and much more in a program that combines theoretical and experiential learning activities.

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