
448 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • Maartje van Gog - study exchange to Western University, Canada
    Because of the scholarship I was able to travel more and really enjoy my experience abroad.
  • Media, Digitalisation & Social Impact
    Are you interested in the social, cultural and ethical consequences of new and established technologies? Then this is the right master programme for you!
  • Agnieszka Wietrzyk
    The scholarship I received greatly helped me at the beginning of my study at Erasmus University.
  • prof.dr. (Werner) WBF Brouwer
    .I am currently appointed as Interim Dean of the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) and as professor of Health Economics at the Erasmus School of Health…
  • Kseniia Valchuk
    For me this scholarship meant everything: it has secured my future and allowed me to stay on the path to my dream.
  • Dominique Nolen - internship abroad at the Regional Finance Department of the TMF Group in Hong Kong
    I was really happy to receive the Holland Scholarship, Hong Kong was more expensive than expected.
  • Clinical Psychology
    This master's track focuses on psychopathology within adults, with the scientific approach as a central element.
  • Media & Business
    The digital revolution and globalisation have transformed the media business and other industries. Media & Business allows you to explore these developments.
  • Media, Culture & Society
    Learn the key tools to examine and understand the complex and changing roles of the media in our personal, political, and cultural lives.
  • Arts, Culture and Society
    Arts, Culture and Society offers a unique approach that integrates international insights into production, distribution and consumption of arts and culture

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