
447 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • mr.dr. (Johan) JLE Vannerom
    Dr. Johan VANNEROM is an Assistant Professor (UD) at the Erasmus School of Law. Next to his research and teaching activities at this University, he is the…
  • prof.dr. (Darren) DA McCauley
    Darren maintains a visiting professor role at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). His mixed methods research agenda focuses on investigating what a just…
  • Charity Run: Sporty party with serious earnings
    Marleen van Kester, coordinator at the Beadle’s Office, is running in the Erasmus Charity Run for the fourth time: "It's really a sports party."
  • Manifesto on EUR Student Wellbeing
    The aim of the Student Wellbeing Manifesto is to create a shared vision on student wellbeing within EUR. It has been signed by the Rector Magnificus.
  • Changes to databases per January 2022
    From January 2022, there are changes to various databases, including Web of Science, JSTOR, and Philosopher's Index. Read more ...
  • (Pim) P Jansen
  • Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
    In this pre-master you will learn the basics of cultural economics, arts marketing and the organisation of the cultural sector.
  • Sociologie
    Pre-master in Sociologie: Je krijgt de kennis en vaardigheden aangereikt om een van de masterspecialisaties in Sociologie succesvol te kunnen doorlopen.
  • Participants of Erasmus Charity Run raise record amount
    The Erasmus Charity Run participants raised €21,203. During this running event participants raise money to provide talented students with financial support.
  • European Master in Law and Economics receives fifth multimillion euro grant
    The European Master in Law and Economics of Erasmus School of Law has signed a 2.8 million euro funding from the Erasmus Mundus:Erasmus+ grant.

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