
11228 search results in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam


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  • (Yannick) YT Wiessner, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Tal) T Simons
    Tal Simons is a professor of organisation theory at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).  
  • (Xander) XM Hut, MSc
  • ‘Being an Erasmian, that’s the new strategy’
    In conversation with Kristel Baele, president of the Executive Board, about a new generation of students who work toward a better, more inclusive world. …
  • Co-creation is the future
    Han de Groot invests in young companies that have progressed beyond the ‘eureka’ phase. Having studied Business Economy has prepared him for his own…
  • Small businesses are important for the city
    Business students Sofia Ali (24) and Tania Bhulai (28) set up a social enterprise designed help refugees acclimatise to life at Erasmus University Rotterdam…
  • (Chitrakshi) C Vashisht
    With an M.Sc. in Gender and Development Studies and MA in Social Work, I have over eight years of work experience in development sector in the…
  • (Charmika) CD Samaradiwakera-Wijesundara
    Jurisprudence, Critical Race and Gender Theory, African Philosophy, Decolonisation, Corporate & Commercial/Company Law, Legal/Juristic Personality. 
  • (Tung) KT Dao
    Kim Tùng Đào was born in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. She is currently a Doctoral Researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University…
  • (Francesco) F Colin
    Francesco Colin is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS-EUR) and an associate fellow at the Moroccan Institute for Policy…

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