
12095 search results in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam


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  • Economie en Bedrijfseconomie
    Bachelor in Economie en Bedrijfseconomie: Er is geen betere plaats voor economisch talent dan de Erasmus School of Economics: Lees verder.
  • Econometrie en Operationele Research
    Bachelor in Econometrie en Operationele Research: Voor echte puzzelaars: een wiskundige en statistische benadering van economische kwesties.
  • Orthopedagogiek
    In this Dutch master's specialisation, you study problems of behavior, development and education in children and adolescents.
  • Marketing
    The marketing programme offers a combination of marketing practice and academic marketing insights, based on the latest data analysis tools.
  • Opvoedvraagstukken in een diverse samenleving
    This Dutch master focuses on current issues of child and adolescent development in a diverse society.
  • Financial Economics
    This programme is for highly motivated students who aim for a career in private equity, corporate finance, banking, or asset management.
  • Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing
    This challenging programme teaches you how to use the most appropriate quantitative methods when solving business problems and conducting research.
  • Analytics and Operations Research In Logistics
    This programme specialisation brings out the experts in logistics, supply chain management and workforce optimisation.
  • Data Science and Marketing Analytics
    This programme focuses on the tools and skills that are needed to analyse Big Data in modern businesses and turn it into meaningful insights.
  • Econometrics
    Econometrics provides you with in-depth knowledge of econometric theory and skills to use quantitative techniques and empirical econometric analysis.

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