
448 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • About EUCC
    Erasmus University China Centre(EUCC) 荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学中国中心 The EUCC is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam which has a proven track record regarding: •   …
  • Infection and Immunity
    Research Master in Infection and Immunity: Get the latest and most in-depth knowledge of the workings of infectious disease and immuno-deficiencies.
  • Financial aid
    Did your budget plan tell you that you’re going to need help in paying for your studies? There are a couple of financial aid options.
  • Interview with Prof. Eddy van Doorslaer on the threshold of his valedictory lecture
    Professor of Health Economics Eddy van Doorslaer talks about his impressive 40 years career and the challenges the field of health economics still faces.
  • FAQ
    Let's save you some time looking for answers: find the answers to the frequently asked questions other international students have asked about financial matters
  • Erasmus+ Grant
    For an Erasmus+ grant you have to be; a registered EUR-student; selected for study exchange at university in participating countries
  • Neuroscience
    Research Master in Neuroscience: Synaptic transmission, neuronal firing: neuroscience is growing: Do basic or clinical research. Learn more.
  • Public Governance, Management and Policy (online master)
    Are you interested in learning about societal problems and governance responses in an online community? Discover our new online master Public Governance, Manage
  • Contact
    For more information please contact: Erasmus University China Centre (EUCC) Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Woudestein, L3 (Sanders building) 3062 PA Rotterdam
  • Broad learning and development
    A versatile traineeship, focused on broad development and personal growth. That is the LDE traineeship! LDE stands for Leiden, Delft and Erasmus.

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