
11277 search results in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam


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  • MOOCs
    Erasmus University Rotterdam is giving a boost to its offer on open online education. The education of Erasmus University has a global top-100 ranking...
  • Open positions
    “Imaging Economic Brains” is a two-year postdoctoral research project,  to be carried out within ERIM,  aiming at the analysis of the emergence of a new…
  • Events at Erasmus University Rotterdam
    Erasmus University Rotterdam organizes a number of events for all the students, staff and the general public. Read more about our events.
  • Rankings
    Erasmus University Rotterdam has an excellent academic reputation and maintains a high position in international rankings. View our position in rankings such as
  • Beadle's Office
    The Beadle’s Office organises academic ceremonies such as PhD defence ceremonies, inaugural speeches, Dies Natalis and more.
  • Incoming international staff
    Are you moving to Rotterdam to work for Erasmus University Rotterdam? Visit our website and prepare yourself for your arrival at your new workplace.
  • Minors at the EUR
    At the beginning of your third bacheloryear you can follow a minor.
  • Overview of dates/locations Erasmus Studio reserach seminars
    Date Time Room Topic Introduction by Abstract 19/06/2009     13:00- 15:00     H4…
  • Dick Houtman: Massa-individualisme
    Hoe de individualisering Nederland heeft veranderd Dick Houtman Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, EUR Bio: Dick Houtman is hoogleraar Cultuursociologie aan de…
  • Other Events
    Besides the 'regular' workshops, lectures and seminars Erasmus Studio is proud to host other events, including the yearly 'Exploration Seminar' of the…

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