Radical Imagination in Transition

Exploring the intersection of art and scientific transition practices

As we are facing pressing social and ecological issues, the need for just transitions and with this transformative research becomes more critical than ever. This requires innovative approaches to research and education, fostering radical new ideas for envisioning the future. Radical imagination emerges as a vital force.  

Radical imagination is the ability that everyone has to imagine the world, life, and social institutions not as they are but as they could be, often in a more just, equitable, and sustainable way. Artists and designers are masters of imagining. By using their imagination, artists can create innovative social art practices with a real social value.  

Can social art practices infused with radical imagination and transformative research practices empower each other? The project ‘Radical Imagination in Transition’ explores the transformative potential of connecting social art practices with scientific transition practices infused with radical imagination.  

The project is an initiative from the Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform and partially funded by the DOEN foundation. 

What we're currently working on  

We are currently in the initial phase of the project, scheduled for 2024, during which we are deeply engaging in understanding the subject matter. Our efforts include drafting a vision paper for the project, which will evolve organically as we progress. Simultaneously, we are conducting a thorough literature search to assess the current landscape at the intersection of art and transitions. To gain a comprehensive understanding of existing initiatives, we are also mapping social art practices. Towards the end of 2024, we plan to organize learning experiments. 

In the subsequent years, the project will transition to a focus on action in 2025, followed by a period of reflection in 2026. 

Our findings 

Read more about our vision. 

About us 

The project is led by Julia de Koning and Steve Elbers. Julia works as a researcher at the DIT platorm focusing on transitions, the intersection of arts and academia and sustainable fashion. Steve works as the project manager of the Radical Imagination in Transition project at the DIT Platform, drawing upon his experience as the former arts and culture program manager at the DOEN foundation. 

Join us  

Are you interested in contributing to our project? We always like to share thoughts, receive ideas and make new connections with the possibillity of collaboration. Please reach out to Julia at julia.dekoning@eur.nl or Steve at steve.elbers@eur.nl 

Read our vision here

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