Researcher profiles

  • (Leonoor) ES Graler

    (Leonoor) ES Graler
  • dr. (Jolien) J Grandia

    Dr. Jolien Grandia is Associate Professor of Public Management at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology (Erasmus University Rotterdam). Her…
    dr. (Jolien) J Grandia
  • dr. (Georg) GD Granic

    I am an interdisciplinary researcher and my main research interests lie at the intersection of Economics, Political Science, and Psychology. I strongly believe…
    dr. (Georg) GD Granic
  • (Lexi) AE Grantz, MSc

    (Lexi) AE Grantz, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Ferd) FBJ Grapperhaus, LL.M

    prof.dr. (Ferd) FBJ Grapperhaus, LL.M
  • dr. (Mónica) MGS Grau-Sarabia, MSc

    dr. (Mónica) MGS Grau-Sarabia, MSc
  • mr. (Michaël) MNJ Grauwde, MSc

    mr. (Michaël) MNJ Grauwde, MSc
  • (Kayla) KH Green, MSc

    Kayla Green is a PhD candidate in the [SYNC lab][]. Her work focuses on the individual differences in developmental trajectories of behavioural and neural…
    (Kayla) KH Green, MSc
  • dr. (Lara) L Green

    Lara is a historian of modern and contemporary Russia, with a particular emphasis on networks, violence, and gender. She is currently working on a book…
    dr. (Lara) L Green
  • prof.dr. (Maria) MCR Grever

    **Maria Grever** (1953) is professor em. Theory and Methodology of History and founding director of the Center for Historical Culture at Erasmus School of…
    prof.dr. (Maria) MCR Grever

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