dr. F (Francisca) Grommé


Francisca Grommé is an assistant professor in Digitalisation in work and society. She works from a background in science and technology studies (STS), political science and digital sociology. As an ‘ethnographer of data and AI’ she follows these technologies across different domains of work to understand how they affect social justice, governance arrangements and the quality of work. She is embarking on new research on the consequences of (semi-) automated work for environmental care in the agrifood sector (supported by NWO, Dutch Research Council).

As a TopTalent Research fellow in AIPact, and studies how AI is affecting work in the healthcare domain, among others through the introduction of work platforms (supported by Trustfonds).

Previously, she worked on changing work practices in policing, statistics and HR to understand changing conceptions of belonging, citizenship and worker rights. She is also interested in innovation in social science methods. This has resulted in publications in journals such as Science, Technology and Human Values.

Research interests: digital labour, surveillance, governance, citizenship, (digital) methods, sustainability

Onderzoeksinteresses: digitaal werk, surveillance, governance, burgersschap, (digitale) methode, duurzaamheid

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Assistant professor | Science Public Issues and Imaginaries


  • Justien Dingelstad, Francisca Grommé, Iris Wallenburg, Fenna Nijboer & Jans Berden (19 November 2024) - Alleen betere werkomstandigheden kunnen zzp-schap in zorg keren
  • Francisca Grommé (27 August 2024) - AI as a Tool for Education

  • Francisca Grommé, Fenna Nijboer, Justien Dingelstad & Iris Wallenburg (2024) - The Entrepreneurial Nurse? Professional Tensions on Digital Platforms (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Justien Dingelstad, Francisca Grommé & Iris Wallenburg (2024) - Who Is the Expert Here? Participatory Ethnography of a Predictive Brain Tumor Algorithm That Challenges the Existing Hierarchy of Expertise Amongst Physicians (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Francisca Grommé (2024) - The Roles of Data Analysts on Fish Farms: Care for the Data, Care for the Fish and Productivity (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Francisca Grommé (2023) - Fostering Digital Citizenship between the Caribbean and European Netherlands (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Justien Dingelstad, Francisca Grommé, Jans Berden, Claartje ter Hoeven & Iris Wallenburg (2023) - The Caring Baker: How Digital Nursing Platforms Transform Healthcare (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Justien Dingelstad, Francisca Grommé & Iris Wallenburg (2023) - The Emergence of Nursing Platforms: A Multimodal Analysis of Platforms' Founding Practices (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Francisca Grommé, Jans Berden & Claartje ter Hoeven (2022) - How Platform Workers Juggle Jobs: Algorithmic Management as Part of Distributed Work Practices (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Francisca Grommé (2022) - The Life of AI in a Controversy: Anne Frank's Story as a 'Cold Case' (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Francisca Grommé (2022) - What is Artificial Intelligence? Ask Alexa (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Francisca Grommé (2020) - Digital discrimination in partially automated recruitment processes: the role of design (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic

4.1 Politics of work and technology

Course Code

ArtificiaI Intelligence and Societal Imp

Year Level
Course Code

4.2 AI: The Present and Future of Work

Course Code


Course Code

News regarding dr. F (Francisca) Grommé

AI as a tool for education

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Four Erasmus University Rotterdam researchers receive funding from the Open Competition SGW-XS

The Open Competition SGW-X rewards four researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam with funding. Now they may start with a promising idea.
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