Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Ann-Sophie) AMIB Vandenberghe

    dr. (Ann-Sophie) AMIB Vandenberghe
  • dr. (Jasper) J Vanhaelemeesch

    dr. (Jasper) J Vanhaelemeesch
  • dr. (Joelle) J Vanhamme

    dr. (Joelle) J Vanhamme
  • mr.dr. (Johan) JLE Vannerom

    Dr. Johan VANNEROM is an Assistant Professor (UD) at the Erasmus School of Law. Next to his research and teaching activities at this University, he is the…
    mr.dr. (Johan) JLE Vannerom
  • (Suzana) S Varga, MA

    (Suzana) S Varga, MA
  • prof.dr. (Marco) M Varkevisser

    Prof. dr. M. (Marco) Varkevisser is hoogleraar Marktordening in de Gezondheidszorg bij Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) van de Erasmus…
    prof.dr. (Marco) M Varkevisser
  • (Chitrakshi) C Vashisht

    With an M.Sc. in Gender and Development Studies and MA in Social Work, I have over eight years of work experience in development sector in the…
    (Chitrakshi) C Vashisht
  • (Carola) C Vasileiadi

    (Carola) C Vasileiadi
  • dr. (Ana) AR Vasques

    Dr. Ana Vasques was born in Portugal and spent her childhood in Angola and Brazil. During her research, Ana developed skills in Ecology, Environmental Sciences…
    dr. (Ana) AR Vasques
  • (Tom) TWJ Veeke

    (Tom) TWJ Veeke

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