Researcher profiles

  • ir. (Jelle) J Walraven

    ir. (Jelle) J Walraven
  • dr. (Marjolein) M Wals

    dr. (Marjolein) M Wals
  • dr. (Charlotte) CNM Waltz

    dr. (Charlotte) CNM Waltz
  • (Charles) C Wan, MA

    Charles is broadly interested in how humans make decisions against a certain causal structure or representation of the world.  Recently, the adoption of…
    (Charles) C Wan, MA
  • dr. (Phyllis) P Wan

    Phyllis Wan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Econometrics, Erasmus University Rotterdam.  Her academic interests include statistical and…
    dr. (Phyllis) P Wan
  • (Petronilla) PW Wandeto

    Petronilla is a doctoral researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research looks into the…
    (Petronilla) PW Wandeto
  • (Luci) LW Wang

    (Luci) LW Wang
  • (Jie) J Wang, LLM

    (Jie) J Wang, LLM
  • (Meiqing) M Wang

    (Meiqing) M Wang
  • (Huijuan) H Wang (Huijuan) H Wang

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