Researcher profiles

3090 results

  • GG (Gaia) Bagnasco

    GG (Gaia) Bagnasco
  • F (Fatema) Baheranwala

    I am a PhD candidate at the Institute of Social Studies, Den Haag since March 2022, doing research in the fields of feminist political ecology, eco-feminism and…
    F (Fatema) Baheranwala
  • dr. Y (Yan) Bai

    dr. Y (Yan) Bai
  • dr. A (Anna) Baiardi

    dr. A (Anna) Baiardi
  • prof.dr. A (Aurelien) Baillon

    Aurelien Baillon is Professor of Economics of Uncertainty, in the Behavioral Economics group.  His work focuses on individual decision making under risk…
    prof.dr. A (Aurelien) Baillon
  • V (Veronika) Bak, MSc

    Veronika Bak is a PhD candidate at the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands). She is a member of the research…
    V (Veronika) Bak, MSc
  • MD (Merve) Bakirhan

    MD (Merve) Bakirhan
  • prof.dr. AB (Arnold) Bakker

    Arnold Bakker is professor and chair of the research group Work and Organizational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam,…
    prof.dr. AB (Arnold) Bakker
  • dr. CTH (Karin) Bakker

    dr. CTH (Karin) Bakker
  • R (Ronnie) Bakker

    R (Ronnie) Bakker

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