Researcher profiles

3092 results

  • mr. A (Ali) Benhammou

    mr. A (Ali) Benhammou
  • dr. MH (Mirko) Benischke

    Mirko Benischke is the Dean of Engagement and Executive Education and an Associate Professor of Global Strategy at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus…
    dr. MH (Mirko) Benischke
  • dr. TM (Tim) Benning

    dr. TM (Tim) Benning
  • J (Jelena) Beocanin

    Jelena Beočanin is a PhD candidate at the Department of History, Erasmus University Rotterdam. She studies the postcolonial history of port cities, and…
    J (Jelena) Beocanin
  • prof.dr. L (Luca) Berchicci

    One of the fundamental issues for the field of strategy is to understand how managers develop and make use of firm’s capabilities to achieve greater performance…
    prof.dr. L (Luca) Berchicci
  • dr. GAJM (Guido) Berens

    Guido Berens is Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He obtained…
    dr. GAJM (Guido) Berens
  • B (Britt) van den Berg

    B (Britt) van den Berg
  • GT (Thijs) van den Berg, MSc

    GT (Thijs) van den Berg, MSc
  • J (Jonathan) Berg, MSc

    J (Jonathan) Berg, MSc
  • dr. PL (Pieter) van den Berg

    Pieter van den Berg is an associate professor of transportation and logistics at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. His research focuses on…
    dr. PL (Pieter) van den Berg

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