Researcher profiles

  • (Marco) MM Daprà

    (Marco) MM Daprà
  • (Shara Leann) SL Darr, MSc

    (Shara Leann) SL Darr, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Marjolijn) M Das

    Marjolijn Das is an endowed Professor of Urban Statistics within the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities. She also works as a senior statistical…
    prof.dr. (Marjolijn) M Das
  • (Ceyda) MJ Davarci, LLM

    (Ceyda) MJ Davarci, LLM
  • (Irene) IMH Davids

    (Irene) IMH Davids
  • dr. (Tina) TI Davidson

    Tina Davidson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Organisation and Personnel Management of Rotterdam School of Management.  She is interested in…
    dr. (Tina) TI Davidson
  • (Mehmet) M Day

    (Mehmet) M Day
  • prof.dr. (Emanuel) EG De Bellis

    prof.dr. (Emanuel) EG De Bellis
  • (Ruben) R de Boer

    (Ruben) R de Boer
  • dr. (Freya) FGR De Keyzer

    dr. (Freya) FGR De Keyzer

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