Researcher profiles

  • (Margot) MJ Kersing, MSc

    (Margot) MJ Kersing, MSc
  • dr. (Bernadette) BCM Kester

    Bernadette Kester (1959) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media & Communication at Erasmus University. Her teaching and research activities…
    dr. (Bernadette) BCM Kester
  • prof.dr. (Wolf) W Ketter

    Wolfgang Ketter is a Professor of Next Generation Information Systems at the Department of Technology and Operations Management at Rotterdam School of…
    prof.dr. (Wolf) W Ketter
  • (Milan) MF van Keulen, MA

    (Milan) MF van Keulen, MA
  • (Amin) A Khaksar, MA

    Cultural Economics, Creative Industry, Popular Culture, Popular Music, Semiotics, Linguistics
    (Amin) A Khaksar, MA
  • (Sai Sam) SS Kham

    Sai Sam Kham is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS, The Hague), Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is a member of the …
    (Sai Sam) SS Kham
  • dr. (Jasmien) J Khattab

    Jasmien Khattab is an assistant professor of Innovation Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, where she also obtained her Ph.D…
    dr. (Jasmien) J Khattab
  • dr. (Khattak) SK Khattak

    dr. (Khattak) SK Khattak
  • dr. (Marina) M Khismatullina

    dr. (Marina) M Khismatullina
  • dr. (Rob) R Kickert

    Rob Kickert is a PhD candidate at the Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is investigating…
    dr. (Rob) R Kickert

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