Erik-Hans Klijn is professor at the Department of Public Administration of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He also received an honorary doctorate from the Ghent University in 2019.
Klijn is an international distinguished Public Administration scholar especially on the field of network governance. His research the last 5-10 years has focused on several topics like:
1.The impact of network management on network performance.
2. The role of trust in complex decision-making in networks.
3. Research on Public Private Partnerships
4. The influence of media attention on complex decision making in networks.
5. Branding in public management and governance.
For more information have a look at his cv.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Full professor | Governance and Pluralism
More information
- Julia Wesdorp & Erik Hans Klijn (2024) - Supporter or rival: Developing a network governance approach about the role of surrogate inspectorates in regulatory governance - Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 7 (3), 101-112 - doi: 10.1093/ppmgov/gvae006
- Lauren A. Fahy, Erik Hans Klijn & Judith Van Erp (2024) - bronnen van gezag: een empirisch onderzoek naar de totstandkoming van reputaties van toezichthouders - Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, 2024 (2/3), 49-61 - doi: 10.5553/TvT/187987052024015002002 - [link]
- Lauren A. Fahy, Erik Hans Klijn & Judith Erp, van (2024) - regulatory agency reputation acquisition: A Q Methodology analysis of the views of agency employees - Regulation and Governance, 19 (1), 104-125 - doi: 10.1111/rego.12603 - [link]
- Bert George, Erik Hans Klijn, Emma Ropes & Antonia Sattlegger (2024) - Do Network Management and Trust Matter for Network Outcomes? A Meta-analysis and Research Agenda - Public Management Review, 26 (11), 3270-3297 - doi: 10.1080/14719037.2024.2327629 - [link]
- Koen Verhoest, Gerhard Hammerschmid, Lisa H. Rykkja & Erik Hans Klijn (2024) - collaborating for digital transformation: how internal and external collaboration can contribute to innovative public service delivery - [link]
- Koen Verhoest, Erik Hans Klijn, Lisa H. Rykkja & Gerhard Hammerschmid (2024) - collaboration for digital transformation: so much more than just technology - [link]
- Chesney Callens & Erik Hans Klijn (2024) - contract management and network management in public-private eHealth partnerships - [link]
- Lise H. Rykkja, Gerhard Hammerschmid, Erik Hans Klijn & Koen Verhoest (2024) - introduction: collaborating for digital transformation in the public sector - [link]
- Chesney Callens, Koen Verhoest, Erik Hans Klijn, Lena Brogaard, Vicente Pina, Dries Van Doninck & Veiko Lember (2024) - the design and management of public-private eHealth partnerships - [link]
- Koen Verhoest, Chesney Callens, Erik Hans Klijn, Lena Brogaard, Jaime Garcia-Rayado & Steven Nommik (2023) - Designing cross-sector collaboration to foster technological innovation: Empirical insights from eHealth partnerships in five countries - Public Administration Review, 84 (6), 1200-1217 - doi: 10.1111/puar.13785 - [link]
- Samantha Metselaar, Erik Hans Klijn, Laura den Dulk & Brenda Vermeeren (2023) - Did Leadership Become More Important During COVID-19?: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Servant Leadership on Performance and Work-Life Balance Satisfaction in a Public Organization - Review of Public Personnel Administration, 45 (1), 77-100 - doi: 10.1177/0734371X231198165 - [link]
- Laura Ripoll Gonzalez, Erik Hans Klijn, Jasper Eshuis & E (Erik) Braun (2023) - Does participation predict support for place brands? An analysis of the relationship between stakeholder involvement and brand citizenship behavior - Public Administration Review, 85 (1), 192-206 - doi: 10.1111/puar.13776 - [link]
- Ingmar van Meerkerk, Rianne Warsen & Erik Hans Klijn (2023) - Boundary spanning for contractual fairness in public infrastructure projects: its impact on performance and innovation - Public Management Review (online), 26 (7), 2122-2143 - doi: 10.1080/14719037.2023.2262474 - [link]
- Jasper Eshuis, Noortje de Boer & Erik Hans Klijn (2023) - Street-level bureaucrats' emotional intelligence and its relation with their performance - Public Administration, 101 (3), 804-821 - doi: 10.1111/padm.12841 - [link]
- Erik Hans Klijn, Samantha Metselaar & Rianne Warsen (2023) - The effect of contract- and network management on performance and innovationin infrastructure projects - Public Money and Management, 44 (5), 428-437 - doi: 10.1080/09540962.2023.2204533 - [link]
- Chesney Callens, Koen Verhoest, Erik Hans Klijn, Steven Nommik, Vicente Pina & Lena Brogaard (2023) - How service users envision their engagement in processes of collaborative innovation: A Q-methodological study on user involvement in eHealth collaborations - Public Policy and Administration - doi: 10.1177/09520767231170298 - [link]
- Tony Bovaird & Erik Hans Klijn (2023) - Partnership working across public and private sectors - doi: 10.4324/9781003282839-19 - [link]
- Ingmar van Meerkerk, Michael Duijn, Rianne Warsen, S (Stefan) Verweij, Erik Hans Klijn, Joop Koppenjan & Samantha Metselaar (2022) - A mixed-methods comparison of the performance of Dutch PPP and non-PPP infrastructure projects - doi: 10.4337/9781800889200.00014 - [link]
- Magnus Paulsen Hansen, Peter Triantafillou, Benedetta BellĂ², Jan Boon, Dries Van Doninck, James Downe, Cate Hopkins, Erik Hans Klijn, KĂ¼lli Sarapuu, Vidar Stevens & Koen Verhoest (2022) - Accounting for what and to whom?: Accountability tensions in collaborations addressing long-term unemployment - Social Policy and Administration, 56 (7), 1156-1171 - doi: 10.1111/spol.12846 - [link]
- Erik Hans Klijn (2004) - Public Management Review (print) (Journal) (Editor)
Activity: Editorial work › Academic - Erik Hans Klijn (1999) - Rol en mogelijkheden van (woon)plannen (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Erik Hans Klijn (1999) - Interorganisatorische samenwerking: mogelijkheden en management (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Erik Hans Klijn (1999) - Het onderscheid Publiek en Privaat in de 21e eeuw (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Erik Hans Klijn (1999) - De rol van de regisseur (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Erik Hans Klijn (1999) - Kwaliteit en procesmanagement (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
- Erik Hans Klijn (2022) - Routledge award 2022
4.2 Politics and Media
- Year
- 2023
- Course Code
- FSWBM-2320