Researcher profiles

3101 results

  • E (Eugerta) Muçi, MSc

    E (Eugerta) Muçi, MSc
  • M (Markus) Mueller

    M (Markus) Mueller
  • C (Clemens) Mueller

    C (Clemens) Mueller
  • dr. S (Sergio) Mugnai

    Dr. Sergio Mugnai is a (proud) Italian and passionate lecturer. He grew up in Pistoia, a beautiful medieval town in the heart of Tuscany, and then moved to Pisa…
    dr. S (Sergio) Mugnai
  • drs. TRJA (Teyler) van Muijden, MSc

    drs. TRJA (Teyler) van Muijden, MSc
  • dr. F (Farhad) Mukhtarov

    Mukhtarov is Assistant Professor of Governance and Public Policy at the International Institute of Social Sciences (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam…
    dr. F (Farhad) Mukhtarov
  • prof.dr. J (Jos) de Mul

    Prof.dr. Jos de Mul (1956) is professor in Philosophical Anthropology and its History at Erasmus School of Philosophy. He studied Philosophy in Utrecht and…
    prof.dr. J (Jos) de Mul
  • dr. M (Marleen) de Mul

    dr. M (Marleen) de Mul
  • AE (Eva) Mulder, MSc

    AE (Eva) Mulder, MSc
  • M (Martijn) Mulder

    In 2017 Martijn started his PhD research on live music experiences and ecologies at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, under supervision…
    M (Martijn) Mulder

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